Lupe Award


LuPe is a prize awarded to (teaching) projects that leads to improved teaching at our faculty. 

It aims to express appreciation for special teaching committment and for develompment of innovative teaching formats. It is announced once every semester (at the graduation ceremony) and is endowed with up to 1000€ grant.

Responsible for the award is our student council by evaluating submitted applications.

All members of the faculty (students, reserach assistants, professors) are welcome to apply for the prize and submit their ideas: 

Revision of a lecture course,
Production of lecture notes,
creation of interactive teaching materials (e.g. agricultural technology exhibition, purchase/production of teaching aids,...)
Learning games
E-learning module
Study projects for students,...


The students' council is happy to recieve new suggestions and all ideas contributing to an improvement of teaching. 


To apply for the grant, please fill in the Form and sent it to the following email address:, subject "Project for LuPe".