Our Study Programs

Maybe you have already inquired about possibilities to study at our faculty during the study information days and are now interested in a certain study program?
On the following pages we have compiled relevant information for our individual study programs.
Please note that our Bachelor's programs are taught exclusively in German. We therefore do not provide separate English-language information.

If you would like to have a look at a sample lecture, you might like to take a look at the offers of the trial study Hereinspaziert.
Our master programs M. Sc. Agricultural Sciences, M.Sc. Nutrition and Consumer Economics and M. Sc. Nutrition and Food Sciences are mainly taught in German. Even if English modules are offered in the elective area, a good knowledge of German is recommended.

Our four study programs
M. Sc. AgriGenomics
M. Sc. Dairy Science
M. Sc. Environmental Management (together with MNF) and
M. Sc. International Master of Ecology (together with MNF)

offer especially international students excellent opportunities to pursue a Master's degree at our faculty.


If you have any questions about our study programs, please contact
The Examinations Office for general information and information on general requirements for taking up studies at our faculty.
A study advisor for special subject-related questions about an individual study program
The student council for information from the students' point of view