M.Sc. Dairy Science

Detailed information about the study program, application and admission can be found at

MSc Dairy Science - General Information

General informationen about the study program and your studies at CAU Kiel is also provided in German language 

Masterstudiengang Dairy Science

Students with a Bachelor's Degree from outside Germany must submit their application documents through  uni-assist e.V. Please find all information on admission requirements and application here

Cows on Pasture

Jersey cow

Admission requirements and enrollment procedure for students with a Bachelor's degree from a German University

Students with a bachelor's degree in Agricultural Science (Specialisation Animal Science) awarded from Kiel University may enroll within the registration deadline for degree programmes without restricted admission. 


Students with a bachelor's degree from another University in Germany or from Kiel University but with a different specialisation should email their application documents directly to the department

  • Deadline is 30th April for the following winter semester
  • Please get in contact with the study program coordinator to get detailed information about the required application documents and updated deadline
  • General information on the admission requirements and the required  application documents can be be found at the website of the study program


German applicants who have not yet received their final BSc certificate please visit these websites (only available in German):

Studieren in Kiel

Studiengangswechsel für Studierende der CAU

Verfahrensablauf Studiengangwechsel/Wiedereinschreibung


Informations on Erasmus+ partnerships of the Department of Agricultural Engineering (eligible for students in MSc Dairy Science and other students of the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences)