Descriptions of our Modules
- A module is a teaching unit that is composed of one or more courses and is predominantly held within a semester.
- The scope of a module should be 4 SWS, e.g. a composition of 2 SWS lecture + 1 SWS exercises + 1 SWS seminar.
- Each module is weighted with credit points according to the time spent on participation (attendance in lectures, preparation and follow-up, examination).
- Each completed module that is required for the calculation of your final grade is listed in the certificate. Additional modules are certified separately.
- Each module of our faculty that is not prescribed as a compulsory module for a student and originates from the same degree (B.Sc. in B.Sc. and M.Sc. in M.Sc.) can be brought in for the cross-degree compulsory elective area
The current offer of courses for a semester especially for elective courses is availabe at UNIVIS.
Pflichtmodule im B. Sc. Agrarwissenschaften (Agrar)/compulsory modules B. Sc. Agricultural Sciences
Pflichtmodule im B. Sc. Ökotrophologie (Ök)/compulsory modules B. Sc. Nutritional and Household Economics
Wahlmodule für die Bachelorstudiengänge Agrar und Ök/elective modules Bachelor Study Programs
Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. Agrarwissenschaften (Agrar)/compulsory modules M. Sc. Agricultural Sciences
Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. Ernährungs- und Verbraucherökonomie (EVÖ)/compulsory modules M. Sc. Nutritional and Consumer Econommics
Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. Ernährungs- udn Lebensmittelwissenschaften (EL)/compulsory modules M. Sc. Nutritional and Food Sciences
Wahlmodule in den Masterstudiengängen Agrar, EL und EVÖ/elective modules M. Sc. Agricultural Sciences, EVÖ and EL
Pflicht- und Wahlmodule im M. Sc. Dairy Science (DS)/compulsory and elective modules M. Sc. Dairy Science
Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. AgriGenomics (AgriG)/compulsory modules M. Sc. AgriGenomics
Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. Environmental Management (EM) und im Int. Master Applied Ecology (IMAE)/compulsory modules Environmental Management and Applied Ecology
Im- und Exportmodule/Import modules and Export modules