Descriptions of our Modules


  1. A module is a teaching unit that is composed of one or more courses and is predominantly held within a semester.
  2. The scope of a module should be 4 SWS, e.g. a composition of 2 SWS lecture + 1 SWS exercises + 1 SWS seminar.
  3. Each module is weighted with credit points according to the time spent on participation (attendance in lectures, preparation and follow-up, examination).
  4. Each completed module that is required for the calculation of your final grade is listed in the certificate. Additional modules are certified separately.
  5. Each module of our faculty that is not prescribed as a compulsory module for a student and originates from the same degree (B.Sc. in B.Sc. and M.Sc. in M.Sc.) can be brought in for the cross-degree compulsory elective area
  1. Systematics of Module Codes


The current offer of courses for a semester especially for elective courses is availabe at  UNIVIS.


Pflichtmodule im B. Sc. Agrarwissenschaften (Agrar)/compulsory modules B. Sc. Agricultural Sciences

Pflichtmodule im B. Sc. Ökotrophologie (Ök)/compulsory modules B. Sc. Nutritional and Household Economics

Wahlmodule für die Bachelorstudiengänge Agrar und Ök/elective modules Bachelor Study Programs

Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. Agrarwissenschaften (Agrar)/compulsory modules M. Sc. Agricultural Sciences

Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. Ernährungs- und Verbraucherökonomie (EVÖ)/compulsory modules M. Sc. Nutritional and Consumer Econommics

Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. Ernährungs- udn Lebensmittelwissenschaften (EL)/compulsory modules M. Sc. Nutritional and Food Sciences

Wahlmodule in den Masterstudiengängen Agrar, EL und EVÖ/elective modules M. Sc. Agricultural Sciences, EVÖ and EL

Pflicht- und Wahlmodule im M. Sc. Dairy Science (DS)/compulsory and elective modules M. Sc. Dairy Science

Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. AgriGenomics (AgriG)/compulsory modules M. Sc. AgriGenomics

Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. Environmental Management (EM) und im Int. Master Applied Ecology (IMAE)/compulsory modules Environmental Management and Applied Ecology

Im- und Exportmodule/Import modules and Export modules