Press and Public Relations
"Conservation Agriculture for Nutrition and Health"
The CAU's Agricultural and Nutritional Science Faculty (founded in 1946) is proud to offer an equally theoretical and application-oriented scientific education culminating in the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) and Master of Science (M.Sc.) Degrees. Combining Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences in one faculty allows for a comprehensive overview of food production within the production chain - from the initial production and the assessment of environmental impact of land utilisation to agribusiness and food processing to the evaluation of food products on health ('food chain analysis').
The program's structure ensures a broad, application-oriented Bachelor program (B.Sc. Agriculture and B.Sc. Nutrition, 6 semesters) and a stronger science-oriented Masters program (M.Sc. Agriculture and M.Sc. Nutrition and Foodscience/M.Sc. Nutrition and Household Economics, 4 semesters) that prepares graduates for future professional demands in their chosen field.
The Faculty responds to new challenges in the areas of biotechnology, the environment, agribusiness, nutrition and health through new course offerings: M.Sc. Environmental Management, M.Sc. Applied Ecology and M.Sc. Ecohydrology (offered in cooperation with the Natural Sciences Faculty, 4 semesters) , M.Sc. AgriGenomics (4 semesters) and M.Sc. Dairy Science (4 Semester).
New Master course MSc Dairy Science: This specialization is one-of-a-kind among German universities and bundles the expertise of the Kiel's Agriculture and Nutritional Science Faculty and the Max-Rubner-Institute (MRI) in Kiel as well as the Dairy Research Center Kiel.
A list of current research can be found here.
Crop Science
The Institutes of Crop Science investigate and teach the basics of plant production and practice-relevant problems. The course of studies takes both conventional as well as organic approaches to plant production into account. In addition to the traditional selection processes, the area of plant breeding also encompasses state-of-the-art biotechnological breeding methods. The study of plant nutrition, enables students to explore the latest questions on the subjects of fertilization, nutritional physiology of plants and their product quality and ecological aspects of plant nutrition. In addition to detailed knowledge of soil physics and chemistry, students of soil science delve into the basics of soil systems. Agricultural process technology introduces the latest developments in agricultural technology. The Institute of Phytopathology carries out research on pests, vermin and weeds as well as on conventional and environmentally friendly pest control strategies.
Animal Science
Animal science KNOW-HOW modernizes farm management and provides consulting firms with impulses for modern farming. The protection and optimization of food quality always plays a primary role. In addition to breeding and primary production, animal science research also focuses on the subsequent processing industry., while, at the same time, tying in the development of market-driven innovative technologies and the search for solutions to environmental problems. The conception and design of controlling instruments for agricultural enterprises and food production offers graduates further areas of operation. Communicative teamwork forms the basis of this subject area and plays a role in training. Animal science students initiate inter-disciplinary projects and accompany their implementation into practice. A degree in Animal Science can lead to careers in the areas of politics, administration, research, consulting and farm management. A broad scientific education that is practice-relevant and that teaches sound economic principles can also provide the basis for a career in management outside of the agricultural sector. The Institute of Animal Science offers flexibility and the opportunity to specialize in small groups with optimal guidance and supervision. Cattle and swine research stations guarantee practical experience. Kiel's Institutes of Animal Science are among the most active research groups in Europe. Since winter semester 2005/2006, 'milk production' has been offered as a new major in conjunction with the Max Rubner Institute in Kiel. This major provides students with the opportunity to gain qualifications in the management of milk production and milk processing.
Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Applied economic problems in the areas of production, trade and marketing of agricultural raw materials and food are explored within the realms of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness. Additionally, special attention is paid to the analysis and evaluation of the political parameters and framework governing these areas. Economical, statistical and sector-specific theories, facts and methods form the basis of the course of studies, which is both theoretical as well as intensely practice-oriented. The University of Kiel is one of the few universities in Germany to deal with these sub-disciplines of agricultural science. Students should not only be able to understand economical models, but, with the assistance of empirical studies, should be able to test and experience them in daily life. Being able to formulate and solve applied economic problems is the most important educational goal and, at the same time, is the key qualification to ensure future professional success. Moreover, close supervision and small groups promote social competence and the ability to work well in a team. A degree in Agricultural Economics or Agribusiness forms an excellent basis for a career in management within the agricultural sector or nutrition industry, an administrative position (e.g. government positions within ministries or the administration of the E.U.) or for a role in political consultation. Graduates of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness have also proven themselves in other positions, e.g. in banks and consulting firms. Students of Agricultural Economics in Kiel have the freedom to structure their courses flexibly and profit immensely from working in small groups in which they are better able to explore and learn. Often, throughout their course of studies, students are also able to gain direct contact with potential future employers. Kiel's Institute of Agricultural Economics is one of the best agricultural economic institutes in Europe. Bachelor graduates of this discipline often start their professional careers as trainees in the workforce. They can, however, in preparation for a management or research position, also opt to remain and, enrol for a masters degree.
Environmental Sciences
Our cultural landscape is influenced by agriculture. How can we continue to maintain and utilize nature in an ecologically and economically sensible way – and, at the same time, sustain natural habitats? The field of Environmental Sciences or Agricultural Landscapes seeks to harmonize these aims with sustainable resource protection for mankind, animals and plants. In striving towards this goal, combined interdisciplinary knowledge is just as important as promoting cooperation among different interest groups within the agricultural sector: ministries, chambers of agriculture, regional conservation authorities, as well as research facilities. The fact that borders are crossed and that E.U. administrative bodies play significant roles in this process goes without saying. Foreign aid and landscape development are also areas which might attract graduates of this field. Natural sciences are unavoidable in this course of study: Soil Science provides in-depth knowledge of soil physics, soil chemistry, land use and soil ecology. Landscape ecology includes the basics of agricultural ecology, vegetation ecology and animal ecology. With the aid of specific case examples within the framework of student projects and accompanying laboratory courses, students gain practical experience, thus exposing them to interdisciplinary, environmentally relevant problems. Water Management illuminates the areas of water and element balance, water balance modelling and the use of geographic information systems for the management of river basins. Farmland Cultivation and Grassland Management focus on location-appropriate agricultural land use and plant production in ecological farming. Methods of planning and economical concepts pertaining to sustainable environmental management complete the picture. The goal of the new masters program in Environmental Management at Kiel's Ecology Center is the education of students who are able to contribute in or lead interdisciplinary work groups geared at solving problems pertaining to the management of natural resources. Upon the completion of their studies, the students possess key competences that qualify them to successfully deal with project-based complex interdisciplinary problems on the regional, national or international level within the private or public sector.
Nutritional Science
Logically, food and health are closely linked. Nutritional scientists examine nutritional diseases and illnesses bordering on and accompanying the field of medicine. Nutritionists work within the service sector and offer advice and assistance applicable to daily living, often consulting on the areas of consumption and energy. The development of new products within the food industry naturally lies within the hands of nutritionists because they are able to bring together research results and industrial food production requirements while assuring product quality. Nutritionists also address the problems and challenges of food quality within various associations and lobby groups. The Nutritional Science course of study addresses the areas of eating behaviour, nutritional state, dietary requirements, individual energy consumption as well as the role of diet in illness prevention. Nutritional experts are key in maintaining product quality, food hygiene and compliance with food law. Within the field of food technology, students deal with the concepts of new product development and processes related to gene technology and biotechnology. They take advantage as well of course offerings in the areas of Home Economics and Food Economics. The students profit immensely from close supervision and mentoring in all areas of study. The diverse fields of activity for nutritionists within the areas of research, industry, associations and lobby groups are not limited solely to the German labour market. Positions within international organizations are possible as well.
Food and Consumer Economics
Food is the focus of Nutrition and Consumer Economics; however, in contrast to nutritional science, this discipline pays more attention to the industry and consumers. Entrepreneurship is sought after, in particular in the areas of product development, design and quality assurance. The know-how of nutrition economists is highly useful both in self-employment as well as in consulting. A further career chance can be found in consumer counselling: the conveyance of health knowledge and the concept of quality awareness have both anchored themselves within many organizations including health insurance companies and consumer protection organizations. Nutrition economists also utilize their skills in PR and marketing agencies as well as within the realm of professional journalism. Consulting and organizational talents are sought internationally, for example in the struggle against poverty. Study focuses such as Nutrition Economics, Marketing and Market Analysis teach students how markets function and present their characteristics. Current sociopolitical issues are introduced in modules on Consumer Economics, Sociopolitics as well as Consumer and Family Politics. In food-related modules, students become acquainted with manufacturing processes and food ingredients; lectures on Nutrition and Health Economics inform the students on the economical evaluation of health as well as on the origins of nutritionally-rooted illnesses and their prevention.