
  • The International Master in Applied Ecology (IMAE) program is suspended across our faculty and the Faculty of Mathematics ad Natural Sciences  at Christian Albrechts University under the roof of the  Kiel School of Sustainability  

    The special feature of the program, which was developed with the aim of providing graduates with competencies for innovative and new solutions to emerging problems in applied ecology, is that it was set up as an integrated program by several international universities together and is also constantly being further developed by them. The university consortium now includes European as well as South and North American universities. Participants are

    • University of Coimbra (consortium leader), Portugal, 
    • Christian Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany, 
    • University of East Anglia in Norwich, Great Britain, 
    • Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 
    • University of Sao Paulo, Brazil and 
    • University of Saskatchewan, Canada.


    Students can choose from courses offered by all participating universities, majoring in either "Environmental Quality Assessment and Conservation" or "Ecosystems Functional Analysis". Part of the program also includes a major field trip to the Galapagos Islands or Brazil. 

    Students must go through a multi-stage selection process to be accepted into the program. 

    Further information is either available on the study information sheet (German) for the International Master of Applied Ecology or is available in English on the pages of the study program.

  • The study program Environmental Economics (EM), jointly supported by the AEF and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF), was launched in winter semester 2004/2005.

    This makes the program not only one of the oldest international programs at Kiel University, but also the first international program of our faculty.
    Together with other inter-faculty study programs, the study program is located under the roof of the  Kiel School of Sustainability. a facility of AEF and MNF.
    To successfully apply for acceptance as a student, you must go through a multi-stage admission process. In this process, more than 300 students from more than 30 nations regularly apply for the approximately 25 available places.  
    The EM program is interdisciplinary in nature and begins by evaluating the diverse potentials of students in mandatory modules and establishing a common foundation for further study. 
    Four mandatory units are to be taken in the first semesters: 
    On the one hand, the modules "Sustainable Approaches in Environmental Management" and "Planning and Managing Science Projects", on the other hand, two strongly science-oriented mandatory Science Project modules. Also modules on scientific methods are part of the compulsory modules in the following semesters.

    The program offers the opportunity to gain practical experience in the interdisciplinary application of current and innovative research methods in the context of study projects, laboratory internships, field studies and excursions. This goal is achieved through the extensive interdisciplinary module offering of over 70 modules, which provides students with a very good environment for personal focus and specialization.

    The focal points of the program are e.g. "Knowledge and Analysis", "Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services", "Ecohydrology and Geoecology", "Human and Environmental Interaction in space and time", "Coasts and Oceans" and "Environmental Economics and Politics". 
    This broad range of topics is only possible because the sections not only include modules from the courses offered by AEF and MNF, but also integrate courses offered by the faculty of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences as well as the research centers Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste (FTZ), Alfred Wegner Institute (AWI) and other non-university actors from the region.

    The Environmental Management program also offers students the opportunity to participate in two double-degree programs. While participation in the double-degree program with Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland leads to the degree in "Environmental Protection", Irkutsk State University, Russia issues a degree in "Environmental Management" after successful participation in the double-degree program.

    For further information please click here.


  • The study of the genomes of living organisms has made significant contributions to agricultural sciences over the last two decades. This is partly due to technical innovations such as the introduction of high-throughput techniques, and partly due to the wide availability of genomic data in internationally accessible web-based databases. These techniques are now briefly referred to as "omics" techniques. In addition to genomics as an umbrella term, these include transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and phenomics.
    The AgriGenomics course is defined in this context as follows: "AgriGenomics is the detailed study of the genetic makeup of plants and animals and how all the genes work together to produce crops and livestock".
    The Master's program is offered entirely in English. It is therefore aimed at bachelor's graduates from all parts of the world. Today, there are global networks of genome research in which a unique scientific language is spoken, consisting of numerous technical terms. This language is taught in this degree program. Graduates should be competent to apply genomic techniques and knowledge in animal and plant breeding, plant and animal physiology, and phytopathology. They should have a multidisciplinary competence to integrate "omics" technologies into agricultural production processes. Furthermore, graduates should gain deep insights into breeding methods and plant nutrition and phytopathology. Combining this with practical agricultural knowledge will allow them to apply genomic data and knowledge to improve production factors and practices in agricultural production. Graduates gain the ability to hold leading positions in research and development in agronomically oriented life science companies. In addition, they obtain the qualification for subsequent doctoral studies.
    Further information can be found either on the German-language study information sheets for the Master's program in AgriGenomics or on the English-language website of the program.



  • Detailed information about the study program, application and admission can be found at

    MSc Dairy Science - General Information

    General informationen about the study program and your studies at CAU Kiel is also provided in German language 

    Masterstudiengang Dairy Science

    Students with a Bachelor's Degree from outside Germany must submit their application documents through  uni-assist e.V. Please find all information on admission requirements and application here

    Cows on Pasture

    Jersey cow

    Admission requirements and enrollment procedure for students with a Bachelor's degree from a German University

    Students with a bachelor's degree in Agricultural Science (Specialisation Animal Science) awarded from Kiel University may enroll within the registration deadline for degree programmes without restricted admission. 


    Students with a bachelor's degree from another University in Germany or from Kiel University but with a different specialisation should email their application documents directly to the department

    • Deadline is 30th April for the following winter semester
    • Please get in contact with the study program coordinator to get detailed information about the required application documents and updated deadline
    • General information on the admission requirements and the required  application documents can be be found at the website of the study program


    German applicants who have not yet received their final BSc certificate please visit these websites (only available in German):

    Studieren in Kiel

    Studiengangswechsel für Studierende der CAU

    Verfahrensablauf Studiengangwechsel/Wiedereinschreibung


    Informations on Erasmus+ partnerships of the Department of Agricultural Engineering (eligible for students in MSc Dairy Science and other students of the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences)

  • If you are interested in this study program, please be aware that fluent German knowledge is obligatory. 
    All information on this study course is, therefore, only available in German. Please take a look here.



  • If you are interested in this study program, please be aware that fluent German knowledge is obligatory. 
    All information on this study course is, therefore, only available in German. Please take a look here



  • If you are interested in this study program, please be aware that fluent German knowledge is rather obligatory. Only some classes are offered in English.
    All information on this study course is, therefore, only available in German. Please take a look here.



  • f you are interested in this study program, please be aware that fluent German knowledge is obligatory. 
    All information on this study course is, therefore, only available in German. Please take a look here.


  • If you are interested in this study program, please be aware that fluent German knowledge is obligatory. 
    All information on this study course is, therefore, only available in German. Please take a look here.



  • Maybe you have already inquired about possibilities to study at our faculty during the study information days and are now interested in a certain study program?
    On the following pages we have compiled relevant information for our individual study programs.
    Please note that our Bachelor's programs are taught exclusively in German. We therefore do not provide separate English-language information.

    If you would like to have a look at a sample lecture, you might like to take a look at the offers of the trial study Hereinspaziert.
    Our master programs M. Sc. Agricultural Sciences, M.Sc. Nutrition and Consumer Economics and M. Sc. Nutrition and Food Sciences are mainly taught in German. Even if English modules are offered in the elective area, a good knowledge of German is recommended.

    Our four study programs
    M. Sc. AgriGenomics
    M. Sc. Dairy Science
    M. Sc. Environmental Management (together with MNF) and
    M. Sc. International Master of Ecology (together with MNF)

    offer especially international students excellent opportunities to pursue a Master's degree at our faculty.


    If you have any questions about our study programs, please contact
    The Examinations Office for general information and information on general requirements for taking up studies at our faculty.
    A study advisor for special subject-related questions about an individual study program
    The student council for information from the students' point of view


  • During your doctorate, you should regularly exchange information with your supervisor, not only on the progress of your research but also on future prospects after the doctorate.

    We regularly receive job offers for various qualification levels from industry and science. 

    Or maybe you want to start a business? The Center for Entrepreneurship at CAU can help. The Science Center also provides support for specific project plans.

    If you want to start a scientific career, you can do your habilitation at our faculty.



  • Studentenwerk SH

    Information on accomodation, financing your studies and social advice center, current information concerning the coronavirus


    International Center 

    Information on admission and application, ERASMUS, International Students advisory, Financi


    ZFS - Deutsch als Fremdsprache

    Sprachkurse für jedes Level



    legal advice on all common areas

  • Das Rundschreiben der Fakultät wurde letzmalig für das Jahr 2020 erstellt. Künftig wird die AEF drei- bis viermal im Jahr einen Newsletter erstellen. Informationen dazu finden Sie in dem Reiter "Newsletter".

    Rundschreiben Nr. 44: 1.1.2020 bis 31.12.2020

    Rundschreiben Nr. 43: 1. 1. 2019 bis 31. 12.2019

    Rundschreiben Nr. 42: 1. 1. 2018 bis 31. 12. 2018

    Rundschreiben Nr. 41: 1. 1. 2017 bis 31. 12. 2017

    Rundschreiben Nr. 40: 1. 1. 2016 bis 31. 12. 2016

    Rundschreiben Nr. 39: 1. 1. 2015 bis 31. 12. 2015

    Rundschreiben Nr. 38: 1. 1. 2014 bis 31. 12. 2014

    Rundschreiben Nr. 37: 1. 1. 2013 bis 31. 12. 2013

    Rundschreiben Nr. 36: 1. 1. 2012 bis 31. 12. 2012

    Rundschreiben Nr. 35: 1. 1. 2011 bis 31. 12. 2011

    Rundschreiben Nr. 34: 1. 1. 2010 bis 31. 12. 2010

    Rundschreiben Nr. 33: 1. 1. 2009 bis 31. 12. 2009

    Rundschreiben Nr. 32: 1. 1. 2008 bis 31. 12. 2008

    Rundschreiben Nr. 31: 1. 1. 2007 bis 31. 12. 2007

    Rundschreiben Nr. 30: 1. 10. 2005 bis 31. 12. 2006

    Rundschreiben Nr. 29: 1. 4. 2005 bis 30. 9. 2005

    Rundschreiben Nr. 27: 1. 4. 2004 bis 30. 9. 2004

  • FAQ

    Please let us know what questions you think would be worthwhile additions to the following list of frequently asked questions.

    When do module examinations take place?

    In every semester, there are two available consecutive examination periods which are scheduled at the end of the lecture period as well as at the beginning of the following semester. The exact dates of the registration periods for each examination period and an overview of the examination period, itself, can either be found posted on the notice board or on the website of the Virtual Central Examination Office for B.A. and M.A. Students.

    How do I go about registering for a module examination?

    Your registration should be done via the online system QIS.  In exceptions, a written registration can be submitted to the Examination Office with the following form.


    When and where do I find out when my examinations are taking place?

     Written examination dates are assigned at the beginning of every semester and are announced on the notice board and on the website of the Examination Office. The oral examination dates offered by university instructors are, at the latest, made public on the first day of the registration period and

    can be found in the same locations. The exact dates that specifically apply to you can be viewed via the QIS online system at the end of the registration period. For students who do not have access to QIS, these dates will also be posted in the Examination Office.

     What is the examination procedure?

    Oral individual or group examinations last anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes. Either two examiners or one examiner and an observer are present. The examination result must be given to the examinee directly following the examination. Written examinations are taken under supervision and have a maximum time limit of 90 minutes.

     Can other individuals attend the examinations?

    With your permission, a fellow student is permitted to attend the examination.

     How do I go about retaking an examination?

    In the event that you fail or that you do not attend an examination, the examination office does not re-register you.  You are required to register yourself for the next examination period in which you would like to repeat the failed or missed examination. Please note that an examination can only be repeated a maximum of two times.

    When can I retake an examination?

     One can apply for admission to module examinations in any of the 3 examination periods following the module. External modules from other faculties, which are only offered in 2 examination periods, are excluded (Chemistry, Bio Plants, Bio Animals, Economics, Anatomy, Physics).

    Modules from the summer semester (SS) are possible: July – October – February

    Modules from the winter semester (WS) are possible: February - March/April – July

    What do I do when I am ill on the day of the examination?

    Should you be ill on the day of an examination, you are required to provide the Examination Office with a doctor's certificate. This will enable the head of the Examination Committee to clarify whether your illness justifies your absence. Please find the necessary form (exception: a stay in hospital, for which a certificate from the clinic is sufficient) here.

    The reasons for not attending an examination must be communicated immediately, shown to be legitimate and submitted in written form. This means that all documents pertaining to your missed examination must be submitted to the Examination Office within 4 days (including the day of the examination). The postmark, i.e. date stamp, will be the indicator as to whether or not the submission was made within the 4-day period. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays do not count.  In the case of an oral examination, the course instructor must, at the very latest, be informed via e-mail on the morning of the scheduled examination of your inability to attend the scheduled examination.

    Complementary Examinations

    Complementary examinations are examinations that do not take place during the regular

    examination periods. These are, predominantly, presentations and papers.  In order to ensure that the marks for these complementary examinations are acknowledged and properly assigned by the instructors, one must register these complementary examinations at the end of the semester for the

    1st examination period. This can also apply to written exams covering only a section of the respective module.

    Bachelor and Master's Theses

    Bachelor and Master's Theses must be applied for in the examination office. Please bring the appropriate form in person to the examination office, where the application will be processed immediately.

    Please be sure that the designated completion time is adhered to and that your thesis is applied for in good time.

    In justified exceptions, the completion time can be extended. In such a case, please provide the Examination Office with an independent written request including the reason(s) for the desired extension and the specific requested time extension. The maximum extension can be found in your thesis approval notification. The university or faculty's seal may not be used on any thesis.

    Elective modules from other faculties


    Up to 2 elective modules from other faculties can go towards the completion of a Bachelor of

    Science or a Master of Science. Further information can be found here.


  • Since 2005 the Doctoral Certificate Program in Agricultural Economics offers the first permanent, structured training of doctoral students in the field of agricultural and food economics in Germany.

    The aim of the Program is to increase educational quality and efficiency in dealing with dissertation topics through systematic instruction in relevant theory and methods.

    Following Bachelor’s and Master’s studies, this doctoral program represents a third step in a consecutive education in agricultural, food and environmental economics.

    Participation is voluntary.

    Doctoral Program Agricultural Economics


  • About possibilities to receive BAföG as International Student, please contact the "Studentenwerk SH".


    If you already receive BAföG, please contact the Examination Office if you have further questions, but please read carefully first the following explanations: 

    lease submit certificates for submission to the Office of Student Financial Aid to the Faculty's Examination Office, Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 4, 24118 Kiel. The staff of the examination office will submit the form to the BAföG officer responsible for the required signature.

    Bachelor of Science
    From the fifth semester onwards, educational assistance for attending a higher technical college, academy or university is only provided from the point in time when the student has submitted a certificate of achievement § 48 BAföG. This is regularly a certificate issued by the higher education institution after the start of the fourth semester or proof of the credits earned (ECTS).

    Wording and intention of the law - § 48 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 BAföG - is that the proof of achievements (certificate of achievement on form 5) is issued "after the beginning of the 4th subject semester". After the beginning of the 4th semester, however, only the performance level of the 3rd semester can be certified.
    However, if the required performance has not been achieved at the beginning of the 4th semester, a performance certificate can be issued after the end of the 4th semester, then of course with the performance level of the 4th semester. With this procedure, there is usually a delay of up to 3 months in the grant payments due to the submission of the certificate of achievement at the end of the 4th semester or at the beginning of the 5th semester and due to the processing time in the Office for Educational Support.

    Master of Science
    The Master's degree can only be funded once the Bachelor's degree has been officially completed. This must be proven by submitting the Bachelor's certificate or at least a confirmation from the examination office, and at the same time proof of enrollment in the Master's program must be provided.

    Dual enrollment
    Students at CAU zu Kiel are allowed double enrollment. They re-register for the Bachelor's degree, which has not yet been fully completed, e.g. in the 7th semester and can already enroll in the Master's degree at the same time, provided that no more than 30 credit points are missing for graduation and the B.Sc. degree can be proven for a summer term by June, 10th and for a winter term by December, 10th.

  • Course Recommendations:

    1. elective Master module AEF-agr804 "Biometric experimental design and evaluation", read annually in SS,  offers a good support at the beginning of the PhD.

    Module Objectives and Content: Students will have advanced knowledge of multiple testing problems, as well as commonly used statistical models; they will know the basic principles of case design; they will be able to design, evaluate and analyze typical experiments and surveys in the field of agricultural and food sciences. Contents of the module: Case number design, regression, variance, covariance analysis, multiple contrast tests, experimental designs, introduction to mixed models, introduction to the statistical software R.

    2. Equally helpful is the English language module AEF-em030: Statistical & mathematical tools, which can also be attended by PhD students. Contents see  here.

  • A list of all completed PhD theses since winter term 02/03 is available here


  • According to university rules and regulations, the Faculty can award honorary doctorates of Agricultural Science (Dr. sc. agr. h.c.) on the basis of merit.  To be considered, a written proposal must be submitted to the dean.  4/5 members of the faculty's council (Konvent) must approve the proposal.  For exceptional scientific achievements or other significant contributions of merit, the faculty has awarded honorary doctorates to the following recipients:




    Theodor Brinkmann († 11. 8. 1951)
    Prof. Dr. h.c., Universität Bonn, am 24. 4. 1947,
    for his service to the Farm Management, which he rose to the rank of a systematic science

    Eilhard Alfred Mitscherlich († 3. 2. 1956)
    Prof. Dr. phil., Dr. agr. h.c. mult., Humboldt-Universität Berlin, am 11. 3. 1948,,
    for his scientific work in the field of plant cultivation, plant nutrition and soil science, and as the founder of the eponymous revenue laws.

    Rudolf Carsten († Okt. 1954)
    Saatzüchter, Bad Schwartau, am 12. 5. 1950,
    a practical plant breeder, who became world famous by pioneering breeding new wheat varieties.

    Benno Martiny († 9. 3. 1953)
    Prof. Dr. phil., Universität Halle, am 14. 3. 1951,
    a teacher and researcher in the field of Agriculture Science and outstanding designer of agricultural machinery.

    Ivar Johansson († 30. 9. 1988)
    Prof. Dr. phil., Hochschule Uppsala/Schweden, am 18. 5. 1951,
    for his fundamental discoveries about the inheritance of economically important characteristics of pets and their relationship with the environment.

    Berthold Klatt († 4. 1. 1958)
    Prof. Dr. phil., Universität Hamburg, am 24. 5. 1955,
    for his fundamental studies on the origin and evolution of pets and for his justified by actual experiments, new ideas about the nature of the constitution..

    Jonas Schmidt († 13. 3. 1958)
    Prof. Dr. phil., Universität Hohenheim, am 7. 10. 1955,
    for his research on the relationship between form and performance in domestic animals and to promote animal husbandry by breeding experiments and improved performance tests.


    Fritz Baade († 15. 5. 1974)
    Prof. Dr. rer. pol., Universität Kiel, am 23. 1. 1958,
    for his research on problems of agricultural economics that encouraged the Agricultural Sciences and promoted.

    Karl Massmann († 3. 2. 1956)
    Landesbankdirektor, Kiel, am 9. 7. 1959 posthum,
    for his services to the rural settlements, to rebuild the economy, the development of the agricultural credit sector and as chairman of the University Society.

    Alfred Toepfer († 8. 10. 1993)
    Kaufmann, Hamburg, am 13. 7. 1959,
    for his contributions to the development of agricultural policy, the establishment of national parks and dissemination of conservation thought and promoting agriculture through science, and the foundation of the Justus-von-Liebig-Prize.

    Kurt Mothes († 12. 2. 1983)
    Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Universität Halle, am 5. 11. 1960,
    the further developed by his fundamental work in crop plant physiology and plant nutrition in agriculture.

    Paul Schachtschabel († 4.2.1998)
    Prof. Dr. phil. nat., Universität Hannover, am 4. 6. 1964,
    for his research in the field of soil science and plant nutrition, in-depth knowledge of the floor as the site of important crops.

    Hans Loertscher
    Prof. Dr., Zürich, Schweiz, im Juni 1965,
    the occasion of the 300-year celebration of the CAU, for outstanding contributions in the history of pets.

    Ernst Engelbrecht-Greve († 10. 1. 1990)
    Landesminister a.D., am 28. 5. 1975,
    for his achievements in developing Europe and Schleswig-Holstein agriculture, to promote the development of landscape and particularly for his contributions to the Department entrusted to the care sciences.

    Hans-Heinrich Herlemann († 27. 5.2004)
    Prof. Dr. agr., Technische Universität München, am 6. 2. 1976,
    for his work on the mechanization of agriculture and its stages developed from scientific studies forecast models for the mineral fertilizer demand.

    Gerhard Röbbelen
    Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Göttingen, am 6. 2. 1976,
    for his work in the field of mutation research and its cytogenetic studies on cereals and for breeding work to improve the quality of crops.


    Vernon W. Ruttan († 18. 8. 2008)
    Prof. Dr., University of Minnesota, St. Paul, am 17. 12. 1986,
    for his pioneering research on the origin and object of Agricultural Sciences, and the documentation of the early achievements of the German agricultural research and international significance.

    Kurt Heyns († 28. 4. 2005)
    Prof. Dr., Universität Hamburg, am 17. 12. 1986,
    for his fundamental work in the field of food chemistry and food science.

    John L. Dillon († 5. 6. 2001)
    Prof. Ph.D., University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australien, am 22. 4. 1993,
    for pioneering research in the field of analysis of agricultural production functions and for his pioneering studies on the analysis of agricultural decisions under uncertainty

    Günter M. Hoffmann
    Prof. Dr. agr., Technische Universität München, am 6. 7. 1996,
    for his internationally recognized research in the field of biology, epidemiology and pest relevance of microbial pathogens that enables the development of pioneering basic knowledge for a modern integrated management of plant protection in arable crops production systems.

    Udo Schwertmann
    Prof. Dr., Technische Universität München, am 6. 7. 1996,
    for his groundbreaking discoveries in the fields of iron oxide formation and erosion of the research that has shaped the development of the international soil science crucial.

    Rosemarie von Schweitzer
    Prof. Dr., Universität Gießen, am 6. 7. 1996,
    for her research into the integration of financial management and household production in the household economy, the significant influence on the development of domestic economic research and teaching.

    Günter Wricke († 8. 7. 2009)
    Prof. Dr., Universität Hannover, am 13.11.1998,
    for his pioneering scientific knowledge in the field of population genetics and quantitative genetic basis of plant breeding and the significant influence on the development of molecular marker analysis.

    since 1999

    Karl-Heinz Menke,
    Prof. Dr., Universität Hohenheim, am 21. 10. 2004,
    for his scientific work to feed evaluation and performance prediction of farm animals, the trend for the animal nutrition research and the agricultural practice of great importance

    Günther Fielmann,
    Prof., Schierensee, am 9. 12. 2004,
    for his farsighted and comprehensive long-term promotion of interdisciplinary scientific research with the goal of holistic assessment of agricultural production systems, which are a model of commitment to the sciences and to our society.

    Friedrich Berschauer,
    Prof. Dr., Monheim, am 3. Juni 2005,
    for his outstanding achievements in research management and the promotion of basic and applied research in the areas of animal health and plant protection and the resulting integration of industry and public research

    Karl Heinrich Hartge, († 11. 6. 2009)
    Prof. Dr., Hannover, am 18. November 2005,
    because of its scientific work on hydraulic and mechanical processes and soil functions for research and teaching in soil science and soil physics and also world-wide trend for the agricultural and forestry practices of very great importance

    Winfried E.H. Blum,
    Prof. Dr. h.c., Wien, am 5. November 2010,
    due to his scientific work in the soil chemistry and clay mineralogy, which are for the bottom genetics, soil classification and for Terrestrial Ecology indicative and for environmental research is of great importance.


  • The Faculty of Agriculture and Nutrition regularly awards prizes. Please find the relevant information opposite.

    Current announcements on award ceremonies are available at Events.



  • On this page you will find the list of completed habilitation procedures:



    research field and habilitation topic

    Dirk Schenke PhD

    17. 6.2021

    Unravelling and exploiting molecular mechanisms underlying plant adoption to abiotic and biotic stress for practical applications

    Dr. Saad Sulieman



    Understanding regulatory mechanisms underlying N2-fixing symbiosis in legumes: A key requirement for improvement of crop productivity

    Dr. oec. troph. Julia Keppler



    Chemical and physical modifications of whey protein beta-lactoblobulin - Tuning the functionnal prpoerties of a protein by targeted modification

    Dr. Kathrin H.M. Pallauf


    Molekulare Ernährungs- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften

    Flavonoids and stilbenes in healthy ageing - in-vivo studies in cultured cells, comparisons to caloric restriction in mice and potential molecular machanisms

    Dr. med. vet. Irena Czycholl



    Advances towards a reliable, valid and feasible welfare assessment in animal husbandry

    Dr. sc. agr. Kathrin Büttner



    Applications of network analysis in livestock science - insights in disease transmission and animal behaviour

    Dr. rer. nat. Naicheng Wu



    Understanding the responses of aquatic organisms to multiple environmental stressors across different rivers and lakes

    Dr. oec.troph. Patricia Hübbe



    Apolipoprotein E isoforms, diet, stress response and immune function – an evolutionary perspective

    Dr. rer nat. Tuba Esatbeyoglu



    Analytik, radikalfangende Eigenschaften und genregulatorische Aktivität von Farbstoffen und sekundären Pflanzenstoffen aus Wurzeln

    Dr. sc. agr. Christoph-Martin Geilfus



    Significance of the leaf apoplastic pH for responses to chloride salinity

    Dr. rer. hum. biol. Anika Wagner


    Molekulare Ernährung

    Gene regulatory activity and potential health benefits of brassica-derived phytochemicals, other plant bioactives and natural antioxidants

    Dr. agr. Uta Dickhöfer


    Tierernährung und Weidewirtschaft

    Grazing management and Feeding Strategies for an Improved Forage Utilization and Microbial Protein Sythesis in Ruminant Livestock

    Dr. med. vet. Jens Tetens


    Tierzucht und Haustiergenetik

    Recent advances in cattle genomics and beyond

    Dr. oec. troph. Sandra Plachta-Danielzik



    Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention von Übergewicht bei Kindern und Jugendlichen

    Dr. rer. hort. Mario Hasler



    Multiple comparisons for comples dependencies

    Dr. rer. pol. Simone Loose, geb. Müller


    Agrar- und Ernährungsmarketing

    Current Insights into Consumer Food Preferences

    Dr. agr. Gunda Schulte auf'm Erley



    Nitrogen efficiency in maize, oilseed rape and cabbage - identification of important physiological traits for genotypic variation

    Dr. sc. agr. Wibke Baumgarten



    Soil microstructural stability as influenced by physiochemical parameters and its environment relevance on multiple scales

    Dr. med. vet. Silvia Wein


    Ernährungs- und Stoffwechselphysiologie

    Nutritional Impact on the Development of Insulin Resistance

    Dr. rer. nat. Andreas E. Müller


    Pflanzenzüchtung und Pflanzengenetik

    Genetic dissection of life cycle and flowering time control in evolutionary divergent crop species

    Dr. sc. agr. Dirk Hinrichs


    Tierzucht und Haustiergenetik

    Investigations of different measurements of inbreeding and contributions to optimized selection procedures

    Dr. oec. troph. Anja Bosy-Westphal



    Integration of Body Composition and Energy Metabolism in Obesity Research

    Dr. sc. agr. Gunnar Breustedt


    Agrar- und Ressourcenökonomie

    Ökonomische Analysen von Ausstiegs-, Investitions- und Technologiealternativen in der Agrar- und Ressourcenökonomik

    Dr. sc. agr. Stephan Peth



    Dynamics and architecture of soil spaces as a function of mechanical and hydraulic stresses - from pore to pedon scale

    Dr. med. vet. Nicole Kemper


    Mikrobiologie und Tierhygiene

    Contributions to Microbiological Animal Hygiene Questions affecting Human Health and the Environment

    Dr. agr. Marco Beyer



    Formation of Fusarium mycotoxins in wheat and integrated approaches for pre- and postharvest control

    Dr. rer. nat. Robert Sommer



    Auswirkungen von Klimaveränderungen auf die Verbreitung von Wirbeltieren in Europa im späten Quartär

    Dr. sc. agr. Thomas Herzfeld



    Contributions to Agricultural Economics from an Institutional and Transition Countries' Perspective

    Dr. sc. agr. Stephan Drusch



    Mikrostrukturierte Träger zur Verkapselung von langkettigen mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren

    Dr. sc. agr. Maike Bruhn

    19.12. 2008


    Psychografische Segmentierung der Bevölkerung zur Förderung gesunder Verhaltensstile unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Ernährungsverhaltens

    Dr. agr. Martin Gierus

    13.02. 2008

    Futterbau und Tierernährung

    Entwicklung und Anwendung von in vitro Methoden in der Futterqualitätsanalyse mit dem Ziel einer optimierten Grünlandbewirtschaftung und Wiederkäuerernährung

    Dr. sc. agr. Silke Thiele



    Analysen zur Nachfrage nach Lebensmitteln, Lebensmittelvielfalt und gesunder Ernährung

    Dr. sc. agr. Klaus Dittert



    Organic manures and nitrous oxide emissions from soils

    Dr. sc. agr. Jörn Bennewitz


    Haustiergenetik und Tierzucht

    Contributions to marker assisted methods for QTL mapping, selection and estimation of present and future genetic diversity

    Dr. sc. agr. Thomas Glauben


    Agrar- und Ernährungsökonomie

    Produktivität, Struktur und Wettbewerb in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft

    Dr. agr. Antje Herrmann


    Pflanzenbau und Grünlandwirtschaft

    Der Einsatz von Modellen zur Optimierung des Leistungspotentials und der Umweltverträglichkeit von Futterproduktionssystemen

    Dr. rer. nat. Daguang Cai


    Biotechnologie und Molekulargenetik der Pflanzen

    Molecular analysis of nematode resistance genes from Beta species

    Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Reck



    Tierökologie und räumliche Planung: Die Eignung arten- und populationsorientierter Ansätze für die Umweltplanung, untersucht am Beispiel des Überlebens des Feldgrashüpfers (C. apricarius L. 1758) in Agrarlandschaften

    Dr. sc. agr. Michael Weißbach


    Landwirtschaftliche Verfahrenstechnik

    Landtechnische Untersuchungen zur Wirkung bodenschonender Fahrwerke an Schleppern und Arbeitsmaschinen mit verschiedenen Radlasten

    Dr. rer. nat. Veronika Faist


    Lebensmittelkunde und Humanernährung

    Health risks benefits of dietary Maillard Reaction Products

    Dr. sc. agr. Ralf-Udo Ehlers



    Production of Entomopathogenic Nematodes for Plant Protection

    Dr. sc. agr. Jens-Peter Loy



    Preisbildung und Wettbewerb auf Märkten der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft

    Dr. sc. agr. Michael Wachendorf


    Pflanzenbau und Grünlandwirtschaft

    Umwelt- und Managementeffekte auf Leistungsparameter und die Überwinterung von Weißklee/Gras-Gemengen

    Dr. med. vet. Martin Klempt


    Angewandte Molekularbiologie

    Die transkriptionelle Regulation und Funktion eines myeloisch/monozytär exprimierten Gens

    Dr. agr. Peter Wolf



    Über die Integration von Bekämpfungsmaßnahmen gegen pilzliche Blattkrankheiten der Zuckerrübe - IPS (Integriertes Pflanzenschutz-System) - Modell Zuckerrübe

    Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Baumgartl



    Kopplung von mechanischen und hydraulischen Bodenzustandsfunktionen zur Bestimmung und Modellierung von Zugspannungen und Volumenänderungen in porösen Medien

    Dr. sc. agr. Peter Christian Lorenzen

    19.06. 2001


    Untersuchungen zur enzymatischen Hydrolyse und Quervernetzung von Milcheiweiß

    Dr. sc. agr. Klaus Drescher



    Beiträge zum räumlichen Wettbewerb und zur Standortwahl im Agribusiness

    Dr. sc. agr. Christian Looft


    Tierzucht und Molekulargenetik

    Mapping and isolation of genes controlling traits of economic importance in domestic livestock - with particular emphais on the porcine RN locus and bovine milk production QTL

    Dr. sc. agr. Klaus Sieling



    Untersuchungen zu den Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Produktionssysteme auf die N-Dynamik

    Dr. agr. Annette Brückmann


    Tierhaltung und Tierzucht

    Age-Dependent Endocrine Changes in Cattle - Relevance for Animal Production

    Dr. sc. agr. Joska Gerendás



    N-Stoffwechsel der Pflanze - Einfluß des Angebotes von Stickstoff und Nickel

    Dr. sc. agr. Elke A. Trautwein



    Cholesterol-lowering and gallstone-preventing effects of dietary components - studies using the Syrian golden hamster as model

    Dr. agr. Norbert Reinsch


    Tierhaltung und Tierzucht

    Contributions to marker assisted livestock genetics

    Dr. sc. agr. Rainer Röhe


    Tierzucht und Tierhaltung

    Genetic statistical analysis of reproduction, neonatal survival and birth weight in order to optimize selection for sow productivity

    Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Schmidt


    Pflanzenzüchtung und Genetik

    Genome, Chromosomen und repetitive DNA-Modelle der Chromosomenstruktur und Sequenzevolution und ihre Anwendung in der Genomanalyse von Nutzpflanzen

    Dr. rer. nat. Michael Kleine


    Pflanzenzüchtung und Biotechnologie

    Molekulare Genomanalyse an Nutzpflanzen zur Klonierung und Charkterisierung landwirtschaftlich bedeutsamer Gene

    Dr. Horst Vierheilig



    Mechanismen der gegenseitigen Erkennung in der Symbiose von Pflanzen und arbuskulären Mykorrhizapilzen

    Dr. sc. agr. Wolfgang Schütz


    Landschafts- und Pflanzenökologie

    The germination ecology of sedges (Carex) and their contribution to regenerative processes and species conservation

    Dr. sc. agr. Bernd Lennartz


    Wasserwirtschaft und Hydrologie

    Spatial and temporal variability of solute transport characteristics in soils

    Dr. agr. Karl Hermann Mühling



    Charakterisierung der Ionenverhältnisse im Apoplasten von Blättern mit Hilfe der bildverarbeitenden Fluoreszenz-Mikroskopie

    Dr. sc. agr. Thomas Hügle


    Landwirtschaftliche Verfahrenstechnik

    Verfahrenstechnische Beurteilung von Gülleaufbereitungsanlagen

    Dr. sc. agr. Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel


    Agrarökonomie und Ökonometrie

    Zur Funktionsfähigkeit von Agrarmärkten

    Dr. sc. agr. Olaf Christen



    Untersuchungen zur Anbautechnik von Winterweizen nach unterschiedlichen Vorfruchtkombinationen

    Dr. sc. agr. Karl-Heinz Südekum


    Tierernährung und Stoffwechselphysiologie

    Aufnahme, Verdaulichkeit und ruminaler Nährstoffumsatz bei Wiederkäuern

    Dr. sc. agr. Dirk Höhler


    Tierernährung und Ernährungsphysiologie

    Investigations on the Mode of Action of Different Mycotoxins

    Dr. sc. agr. Florian Grundler



    Untersuchungen zur Interaktion zwischen dem Zystennematoden Heterodera schachtii und seiner Wirtspflanze

    Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Irmler



    Die Stellung der Bodenfauna im Stoffhaushalt schleswig-holsteinischer Wälder

    Dr.-Ing. Helmut Meuser


    Bodenkunde und Bodenschutz

    Technogene Substrate als Ausgangsgestein der Böden urban-industrieller Verdichtungsräume - Dargestellt am Beispiel der Stadt Essen

    Dr. sc. agr. Jörg Michael Greef



    Etablierung und Biomassebildung von Miscanthus x giganteus

    Dr. sc. agr. Hans-Heinrich Voßhenrich


    Landwirtschaftliche Verfahrenstechnik

    Vergleich zwischen Pflug-Kreiselegge-Drillsaat und Frässohlensaat

    Dr. sc. agr. Christian Nöll



    Adaptions- und Adoptionsvorgänge in der landwirtschaftlichen Unternehmensführung als Elemente erfolgreichen Anpassungsverhaltens in einer veränderlichen Umwelt

    Dr. sc. agr. Lothar Beyer



    Die Charakterisierung der organischen Bodensubstanz durch morphologische und naßchemische Untersuchungen, CPMAS 13C-NMR Spektroskopie sowie Pyrolyse-Feld Ionisation Massenspektrometrie

    Dr. rer. physiol. Rainer Schindler


    Physiologische Chemie und Ernährung des Menschen

    Zur Wirkung von Pharmaka auf den Vitamin-A-Stoffwechsel

    Dr. agr. Elisabeth Wisker


    Ernährung des Menschen

    Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von Ballaststoffen beim Menschen: Fermentation der Ballaststoffe und ihr Einfluß auf die scheinbare Verdaulichkeit der Nährstoffe und auf die Verwertung der Nahrungsenergie

    Dr. sc. agr. Rudolf Preisinger


    Tierzucht und Haustiergenetik

    Optimierung der Superovulationsinduktion beim Rind und ihre Auswirkung auf die Leistung der Donoren und ihrer Nachkommen

    Dr. sc. agr. Friedhelm Taube


    Pflanzenbau und Grünlandwirtschaft

    Beziehungen zwischen Stickstoffaufnahme und Ertragsbildungsprozessen bei ausgewählten Futtergräsern

    Dr. sc. agr. Jens Aumann



    Der chemische Sinn der Nematoden und seine Beeinflussung am Beispiel der Männchen von Heterodera schachtii

    Dr. sc. agr. Ernst-August Nuppenau



    Regionale Kooperation und internationaler Handel mit Agrarprodukten in Entwicklungsländern bei Ernährungssicherungsproblemen

    Dr. sc. agr. Carsten Höller



    Hyperparasitoiden von Blattläusen: Bedeutung und Möglichkeiten der Regulation

    Dr. sc. agr. Rainer Kühl



    Vertikale Koordination im Agribusiness als Wettbewerbsmittel zur Produktdifferenzierung und Qualitätssicherung

    Dr. troph. Hans Meisel


    Lebensmittellehre und Spezielle Humanernährung

    Zur Bedeutung von regulativ wirkenden Peptiden aus Nahrungsproteinen

    Dr. sc. agr. Joachim Krieter


    Tierzucht und Haustiergenetik

    Zuchtplanung beim Schwein

    Dr. sc. agr. Jens Léon



    Pflanzenzüchterische Bedeutung von Wachstumsrate und Wachstumsdauer bei Getreide

    Dr. sc. agr. Ewald Schnug



    Quantitative und qualitative Aspekte der Diagnose und Therapie der Schwefelversorgung von Raps (Brassica napus L.) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung glucosinolatarmer Sorten

    Dr. sc. agr. Hans-Hennig Sundermeier



    Zur optimalen Verwertung knapper Futtermittel mit Hilfe mehrstufiger Simultanmodelle zur Fütterungsplanung

    Dr. sc. agr. Rainer Mosenthin

    21.01. 1988

    Tierernährung und Futtermittelkunde

    Untersuchungen zum Einfluß pflanzlicher Kohlenhydrate in Rationen wachsender Schweine auf die endogene Stickstoff- und Enzymsekretion in den Verdauungstrakt sowie auf praecaecale und postileale Umsetzungen N-haltiger Verbindungen

    Dr. sc. agr. Roland Herrmann



    Ex-post-Analyse internationaler Agrarmarktabkommen

    Dr. sc. agr. Dieter Kirschke



    Agrarmarktpolitik bei Unsicherheit

    Dr. sc. agr. Wulf Diepenbock

    17.05. 1984


    Über die agrarökologische und ertragsphysiologische Bedeutung von Lipiden in landwirtschaftlichen Kulturpflanzen

    Dr. agr. Peter Michael Schmitz



    Handelsbeschränkungen und Instabilität auf Weltagrarmärkten

    Dr. agr. Helmut Herzog



    Source und Sink in der Kornfüllungsperiode von Weizen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Cytokindine

    Dr. sc. agr. Jürgen Lamp



    Boden-Informationssyteme und Pedometrie - zur Anwendbarkeit neuer Techniken und Methoden in der Bodenkunde

    Dr. sc. agr. Peter Stamp



    Begrenzung des Maiswachstums durch Kühle unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Jugendentwicklung

    Dr. rer. nat. Hans Peter Pissarek



    Untersuchungen zur lichtmikroskopischen Diagnose des Haupt- und Spurennährelementmangels bei Mais

    Dr. sc. agr. Edwin Ryll



    Abschöofungssystem, Angebotkontingentierung, produktneutrale und produktgebundene staatliche Einkommensübertragungen als agrarmarktpolitische Instrumente

    Dr. rer. pol. Egbert Gerken



    Die Abwanderung von Arbeitskräften aus der Landwirtschaft - Untersuchung zur Theorie und Politik der intersektoralen Arbeitskräfteallokation in Entwicklungsländern und quantitative Wirkungsanalyse politischer Interventionen in der Türkei

    Dr. rer. nat. Ernst Hartmut Reimerdes

    02.07. 1980


    Die Chemie und die Technologie von Veränderungen am Milcheiweißsystem

    Dr. oec. Gerhard Schiefer


    Agrarökonomie und Unternehmensforschung

    Koordinierung von Teilplanungen als Planungskonzept

    Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Kabsch



    Biochemische Untersuchungen zum Wirt-Parasit-Verhältnis am Beispiel von Sphaerotheca fuliginea (Schlecht.ex.Fr.) Poll. an Gurkenblättern

    Dr. sc. agr. Hans Hagemeister


    Tierernährung und Ernährungsphysiologie

    Untersuchungen zur Resorption von Fettsäuren im Verdauungstrakt sowie zur Hydrogenierung und bakteriellen Sythese von Fettsäuren in den Vormägen von Milchkühen

    Dr. sc. agr. Halvor Jochimsen


    Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre

    Strukturanalyse mit Hilfe von Simulationsmodellen

    Dr. sc. agr. Franz-Adalbert Schulz



    Ein Beitrag zum Problem der Gloeosporium-Fäule am Apfel (Pezicula malicortis (Jacks.) Nannf.)

    Dr. agr. Ekkehard Ernst


    Tierzucht und Tierhaltung

    Vergleichende Untersuchungen an Deutschen Schwarzbunten, Holstein-Friesiens sowie den Kreuzungen aus beiden Populationen

    Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Hühn


    Pflanzenzüchtung, insbesondere Populationsgenetik

    Populationsgenetische Untersuchungen zur phänotypischen Selektion in Pflanzenbeständen mit Konkurrenz

    Dr. agr. Uwe Peters


    Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre

    Planungsmethodik in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben

    Dr. agr. Gerhard Brümmer



    Untersuchungen zur Genese der Marschen

    Dr. agr. Klaus Rohr



    Untersuchungen über die Futteraufnahme und Futterverwertung bei Milchkühen verschiedener Rassen (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Grünfutters

    Dr. agr. Rudolf Wolffram


    Agrarpolitik und Marktlehre

    Die Irreversibilität von Angebots- und Nachfragefunktionen

    Dr. agr. Friedrich Hülsemeyer


    Agrarpolitik und Marktlehre

    Die Bedeutung der Hochseefischerei Kiel GmbH für die Fischwirtschaft Schleswig-Holsteins

    Dr. agr. Cay Langbehn



    Entwicklung und Entwicklungstendenzen landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe in Schleswig-Holstein

    Dr. agr. Helmut Henkel



    Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Fettstoffwechsels hochleistender Milchkühe, insbesondere bei der Milchfettbildung

    Dr. agr. Herbert Bohle


    Ackerbau und Grünlandwirtschaft

    Einfluß der Wattenfauna und der Vegetationsentwicklung auf die Bodenbildung der Marschen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der biogenen Durchporung

    Dr. agr. Ursus Schendel


    Kulturtechnik und Agrarmeteorologie

    Vegetationswasserverbrauch und -wasserbedarf

    Dr. agr. Ernst Weber



    Biometrische Bearbeitung multipler Regressionen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Auswahl, der Transformation und der Linearkombination von Variablen Heinrich Graf von Reichenbach



    Zum Kationenaustausch an Schichtsilikaten

    Dr. agr. Udo Riemann


    Angewandte Landtechnik und Landarbeitslehre

    Das Arbeitsverfahren Feuchtgetreidesilage

    Dr. rer. hort. Wenzel Hoffmann


    Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde

    Untersuchungen über den Einfluß des Ernährungszustandes der Pflanze auf ihre Selektivität für Kationen bei der Mineralstoffaufnahme

    Dr. agr. Gerhard Pulß


    Tierphysiologie und Tierernährungslehre

    Untersuchungen über besondere Inhaltsstoffe von Futterpflanzen und über ihren Einfluß auf den Stoffwechsel der Haustiere

    Dr. agr. Norbert Knauer


    Acker- und Pflanzenbau

    Über die Brauchbarkeit der Pflanzenanalyse als Maßstab für die Nährstoffversorgung und das Düngebedürfnis von Grünland

    Dr. agr. Hans Otto Gravert


    Tierzucht und Tierhaltung

    Untersuchungen über die Erblichkeit von Fleischeigenschaften, dargestellt am musc.long.dorsi schwarzbunter Jungmastbullen

    Dr. agr. Hans Jungehülsing


    Landwirtschaftliche Betriebs- und Arbeitslehre

    Einige ökonomische Probleme grünlandstarker Betriebe

    Dr. agr. Hans Stamer

    18.07. 1960

    Agrarpolitik und Marktlehre

    Agrarpreisstützung als Mittel der Einkommenspolitik

    Dr. agr. Arnold Finck


    Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde

    Untersuchungen zur Manganversorgung von Feldpflanzen auf einigen Bodentypen Schleswig-Holsteins

    Dr. agr. Heinz Vetter


    Acker- und Pflanzenbau

    Strohverwertung und Humusversorgung

    Dr. agr. Klaus Riebe


    Landwirtschaftliche Betriebs- und Arbeitslehre

    Der Einfluß von Arbeitstechnik, Gebäudegestaltung, Fütterungstechnik und Haltungsform auf den Arbeitsbedarf der Rindviehhaltung und deren Auswirkung auf die Grundsätze der Gebäudeplanung

    Dr. agr. Gisbert Vogel


    Landwirtschaftliche Betriebs- und Arbeitslehre

    Ein Beitrag zur Ermittlung der Rentabilität in der Landwirtschaft

    Dr. agr. Ernst Schlichtung


    Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde

    Kupferbindung und -fixierung durch Humusstoffe

    Dr. sc.nat. Klaus von Rosenstiel

    22. 04. 1952

    Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung

    Gesamtheit der vorgelegten Veröffentlichungen, insbesondere Arbeit über die Züchtung des Weizens

  • The Justus von Liebig Prizes, established in 1949 by the F.V.S. Foundation in Hamburg, was awarded annually, and since 1982 every two years, by the Faculty to individuals or working groups who have rendered outstanding services to European agriculture in scientific or practical fields. Until 1994, one German and one member of another European country were each awarded a Liebig Prize. From 1996, only one prize was awarded. The prize was endowed with € 15,000.

    Associated with the prize were two Liebig-Europa travel grants of € 3,000 each for students of agriculture.

    Since 2007 the prize is awarded as Justus-von-Liebig-Preis für Welternährung by  Stiftung fiat panis.

    By merging the Liebig Prize and the Thünen Medal in 2009, the Alfred-Toepfer-Stiftung F.V.S. started granting the Cultura-Preis.

    Justus Freiherr von Liebig

    (May 12, 1803 - April 18, 1873)

    Justus von Liebig was born in Darmstadt and worked as a professor of chemistry in Giessen from 1824. From 1852 until his death he was based in Munich. In addition to work on technical and analytical chemistry, his research in the field of organic chemistry is particularly important, which he considerably expanded by discovering new substances (aldehydes, chloral, chloroform, hippuric acid, etc.). Many of his discoveries found industrial applications, for example the production of meat extract. As the founder of modern fertilization and agricultural chemistry, Liebig is also considered a co-founder of agricultural science.


    Liste der Preisträger

    1949 bis 1959

    1949/50 Theodor Roemer (†), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c., Halle
    Carl Heinz Dencker (†), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c., Bonn
    1951 Emil Alfeld (†), Neckarelz (Württemberg)
    1952 Walter Laube (†), Dr., Göttingen, früher Petkus (Mark)
    1953 August Block (†), Minister a.D., Rittergut Banteln
    Richard von Flemming (†), Präsident a.D., Uelzen, früher Paatzig (Pommern)
    1954 Walter Kubiena (†), Prof. Dr., Wien (Österreich)
    1955 Peter Rasmussen (†), Diplom-Landwirt, Apenrade (Dänemark)
    1956 Ernst Klapp (†), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c., Bonn
    1957 Wilhelm Ries (†), Prof. Dr., Michelstadt
    1958 Walter Wittich (†), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c., Hann.-Münden
    1959 Hans Lembke (†), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c., Rostock
    Otto Bolten (†), Rothenstein (Kreis Eckernförde)

    1960 bis 1969

    1960 Arthur Hanau (†), Prof. Dr., Göttingen
    Roderich Plate, Prof. Dr., (†), Dierßen/Ammersee
    1961 Hans-Ulrich von Oertzen (†), Bad Godesberg
    1962 P.B. de Boer, Stiens (Holland)
    Ian D. Hamilton (†), Graf, Barsebäck (Schweden)
    1963 Bernard Poullain (†), La Queue-lès-Yvelines (Frankreich)
    Bernhard Rademacher (†), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c., Stuttgart-Hohenheim
    1964 Walter Mader, Dr., Bruck a. d. Leitha (Österreich)
    Fritz Schilke (†) Dr., Hamburg
    1965 Giovanni Haussmann, Dr., Lodi (Italien)
    Constantin von Dietze (†), Dr. Drs. h.c., Freiburg i. Br.
    1966 Paul Nicolai (†), Landwirtschaftsingenieur, Gorsem (Belgien)
    Anton Freiherr von Herzogenberg (†), Salem (Baden)
    1967 Communauté de Travail de Kutzenhausen (Frankreich)
    Dietz Freiherr von Thüngen (†), Thüngen (Unterfranken)
    1968 Sir Richard Trehane, Wimborne (Dorset, Großbritannien)
    Paul Rintelen (†), Prof. Dr. Dr., München-Weihenstephan
    1969 Karl Brandt (†), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c., Palo Alto (USA)
    Hans Rabe jr., Diplomlandwirt, Sönke-Nissen-Koog

    1970 bis 1979

    1970 Hjalmar Clausen (†), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c., Kopenhagen (Dänemark)
    Georg Blohm (†), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c., Kiel
    1971 Charles Kiss, Ingenieur Agronome, la Ménitré (Frankreich)
    Hermann Strehle (†), Landwirt, Reichertsweilerhof bei Donauwörth
    1972 Harald Skjervold (†), Prof. Dr., Vollebekk (Norwegen)
    Klaus Kleeberg(†), Landwirt, Eisbergen bei Minden
    1973 Luigi Cavazza, Prof. Dr., Bologna (Italien)
    Heinrich Graf Finck von Finckenstein, Winterbüren (Hessen)
    1974 Lucijan Krivec, Dipl.-Ing. Agr., Ljubljana (Jugoslawien)
    Ulrich Dieckmann, Landwirt, Domäne Coverden, Schaumburg
    1975 Ingvar Ekesbo, Prof. Dr., Skara (Schweden)
    Joachim von Wülfing (†), Landwirt, Swisstal-Heimerzheim
    1976 Leopold Wiklicky, Dipl.-Ing. Dr., Tulln (Österreich)
    Philipp Kühne, Unternehmensberater, Göttingen
    1977 Henrik Sumelius (†), Dipl.-Landwirt, Loukanen, Renko (Finnland)
    Walter Teuteberg (†), Ltd. Landwirtschaftsdirektor, Windeby
    1978 François Ravier, Landwirt, Morestel (Frankreich)
    Edouard Rebotton, Landwirt, Morestel (Frankreich)
    Gerhard Fischbeck, Prof. Dr., Freising-Weihenstephan
    1979 Cooperativa de Explotacion "San Antonio Abad", Milagros b. Burgos (Spanien)
    Albert Huber, Landwirt, Aue, Düsseldorf

    1980 bis 1989

    1980 A. von Arendonk, Landwirt, Bavel (Niederlande)
    Werner Koch (†), Gartenbausachverständiger, Stuttgart
    1981 Sigurd Andersen, Prof. Dr., Kopenhagen (Dänemark)
    Karl-Heinz Schulze-Steinen, Hamm-Drechen, (Nordrh.-Westfalen)
    1982 Micheál Mac Giobúin, An Daingean (Co. Kerry, Irland)
    Hermann Beste (†), Rodenberg (Deister)
    1984 Pierre Hoeffel (†), Walbourg (Frankreich)
    Konrad Paetow, Tralauerholz (Schleswig-Holstein)
    1986 Arto (†) und Sakari Heikkilä, Rusko (Finnland)
    Manfred Köhne (†), Prof. Dr., Göttingen
    1988 Heinz-Peter Tewes, Fassberg
    Tibor Papp, Dr., Mezöhegyes (Ungarn)

    1990 bis 1999

    1990 Wolfgang Haber, Prof. Dr., Freising
    Bleckert Lagerfelt, Linköping (Schweden)
    1992 Jan de Veer (†), Prof. Dr. h.c., Hoogwoud (Niederlande)
    Dietrich Schröder, Groß Roge (Mecklenburg)
    1994 Alfred Petautschnig, Dir. OStR. Ing., Hatzendorf (Österreich)
    Michael Horsch, Schwandorf (Oberpfalz)
    1996 Günter Flessner (†), Minister a.D., Dersau
    1998 Christian Zeeck, Dr., Uelzen

    ab 2000

    2000 Rainer Latten, Bonn
    2002 Peter Glodek, Prof. Dr., Göttingen
    2004 Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Zoltan Bedö, Martonvasar, Ungarn
    2006 Prof. Dr. Johan A. M. van Arendonk, Wageningen, Niederlande

    Particularly talented applicants with a very good relevant bachelor's degree can, under certain conditions, apply for admission to a fast-track doctorate with simultaneous acquisition of the master’s degree. The procedure for acceptance as a fast-track doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences and the requirements that you must meet are described in the Principles for Doctoral Degree Regulations and in the Doctoral Degree Regulations.

  • Welcome!

    Our Faculty was founded in 1946 as the Faculty of Agriculture and received a seal with the motto Nunquam Otiosus (never idle) and with the agricultural symbol of plow and ear of corn.


    Siegel AEF
  • On the following pages you will find regulations, hints and other helpful information about the habilitation procedure at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. Please use the tabs on the left to jump to individual topics.

  • Finishing your PhD:

    The PhD process is finished after you have published your fit-to-print dissertation and received your doctoral degree certificate. For more details, please read the Doctoral Degree Regulations. If you need an english version of your doctoral degree certificate, please let us know in advance according to § 28 sentence (3) of the Doctoral Degree Regulations.

    If you opt for single printing (book or photo printing) when publishing your dissertation, for archival reasons your work must be printed on acid-free and age-resistant paper and bound without the use of metal or plastic parts. A perfect bound booklet and double-sided printing are desirable. The choice of format (DIN A4 or DIN A5) is free, as is the choice for black and white or colour printing. Please also inform yourself also at the University Library.


  • In 2007, the Liebig Prize and the award of the Thünen Medal were replaced by the Alfred Topefer Prize for Nature Conservation, Agriculture, Agricultural Research and Forestry, which was newly created by the Alfred-Toepfer-Stiftung F.V.S.; from 2011, the prize was awarded as the Cultura-Preis . In 2017, the prize was discontinued.

    Der Cultura-Preis wurde Ende 2017 eingestellt.


    Liste der Prize Winners

    2017: Prof. Dr. Georg Guggenberger, Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Universität Hannover

    2016: Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus, Humboldt-Universität Berlin

    2015: Prof. Dr. Marcin Pietrzykowski, Universität Krakau, Polen

    2014: Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein, Universität Freiburg im Breisgau

    2013: Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans Joosten, Professor für Moorkunde und Paläoökologie, Universität Greifswald

    2012: Dr. Peter Meyer, Sachgebiet Waldnaturschutz und Naturwaldforschung in der Nordwestdeutschen Forstlichen Versuchsanstalt

    2011: Dr. Albano Goncalo Beja-Pereira, Universität Porto, Portugal

    2010: Dr. Jörg Müller, Bayerische Nationalparkverwaltung Grafenau

    2009: Prof. Dr. Jan Stenlid, Schwedische Agrarwissenschaftliche Universität Uppsala

    2008: Dr. Angela Karp, Rothamsted Research Institute in Harpenden, Großbritannien

  • Gender equality represents a central strategic goal of the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences (AEF) at Kiel University.
    Since the highest-ranking positions at the AEF are still heavily dominated by men, both Kiel University and the AEF see the
    elimination of structural disadvantages for women in all areas of the university and the targeted promotion of female scientists
    as a central management task and provide financial resources for this purpose.

    You can find an overview of all measures in the flyer.
  • Once you have been officially accepted as a doctoral candidate by the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences and have received your acceptance letter, you can register with the Graduate Center in order to use its services. Please use the online registration portal for registering with the Center (and later for all your courses).

    However, it is not obligatory to register at the center, you can finish your PhD without being a member of it.

  • Admission to the examination procedure:

    The doctorate concludes with the doctoral examination procedure. The procedure consists of the submission of the doctoral thesis with several documents and an oral exam, the defence of the doctoral dissertation (disputation).

    If your supervisor agrees, you can register for the doctoral examination procedure with the necessary documents in accordance with § 11 of the doctoral degree regulations 2020 in the dean's office by the binding deadlines.

    In accordance with the principle of equal treatment for all doctoral candidates, incomplete registration documents or late-submitted dissertations will not be accepted.

    Enrollment as a doctoral student is not required for admission to the doctoral examination procedure.

    To the doctoral degree regulations of the AEF

    Checklist of the documents for registering for the doctoral examination
    Please note, that these list is a service for your convenience. In case of differences to the doctoral degree regulations, the regulations are binding

    Deadlines for registering for the doctoral examination



  • To fulfill the requiremtent for admission to the Bachelor Study Pogram in Agriculture and Nutritional and Household Economics you need to complete an internship. 

    Further information are available on the webpages of the internship offices.


    Nutritional and Household Economics


    Besides this compulsory internship, you can also do an international internship with support of our International Center. This is usually not part of the internship requested in our  subject examination regulations.

    The International Center supports you regarding the finding of an internship and financial questions.



  • Management: Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Taube
    Oper. Management: Dipl.-Ing.agr. Sabine Mues
    Exp. Coordination: Dr. Ralf Loges
    Postal Address: Olshausenstr. 40
    24098 Kiel
    Visitor Address: Bäderstraße 31
    24214 Noer
    Phone: 04346/4326
    Fax: 04346/4099


    Versuchsgut Lindhof


    farm area:

    182 ha, of which:

    • 111 ha arable land
    • 48,4 ha permanent grassland (thereof 35,1 ha extensive grassland)

    Organic farming certified by Bioland and Naturland

    Land use of the arable land:

    Crop rotation: 2-year clover-grass - edible oats - potatoes or spelt - spelt or triticale (with clover-grass undersowing).

    Animal husbandry:

    • 80 dairy cows, Jersey or Jersey-Blackbunt crosses with offspring,
    • 40 beef cattle (Jersey x Angus) Pasture fattening on extensive permanent grassland
    • Free-range management of 5 Angler saddle sows plus boars, fattening and herdbook breeding (for direct marketing)
    • 200 laying hens in a chicken mobile (eggs for direct marketing) 
    • Lindenwohld beekeeping (for direct marketing).


    Experimental activities:

    Interdisciplinary research focus 'Organic Farming and Extensive Land Use Systems (since 1997) with investigations on the following topics: nitrogen flows in crop rotation systems, product quality, soil cultivation, weed control, forage production.

    • Material and energy flows in agricultural production systems
    • Eco-efficient pasture milk production
    • Optimization of N fluxes in organic farming/N-fixation performance legumes.
    • Development of dynamic models for the simulation of yield formation and forage quality dynamics
    • Secondary plant constituents in legumes and forbs as a contribution to biodiversity research
    • Greenhouse gas emissions of agricultural land use
    • Root ecology


  • Since 2001 Student' representatives at the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences  award a prize for best teaching.
    The student' representatives decision is based on teaching evaluations every semester.

    The following lecturers received the teaching prize:

    SS 2001 Prof. Dr. U. Wyss
    WS 2001/02 Prof. Dr. M.J. Müller
    SS 2002 Prof. Dr. U. Koester
    WS 2002/03 Prof. Dr. S. Wolffram
    SS 2003 Prof. Dr. Dr. C. Henning
    WS 2003/04 Prof. Dr. E. Wisker
    SS 2004 Dr. H. Klink
    WS 2004/05 Prof. Dr. J. Krieter
    SS 2005 Auszeichnung des Prüfungsamtes Frau M. Senkbeil u. Frau S. Ruhberg
    SS 2006 Prof. Dr. A. Abdulai
    WS 2006/07 Prof. Dr. J. Roosen
    SS 2007 Prof. Dr. Dr. C. Henning
    WS 2007/08 Prof. Dr. U. Latacz-Lohmann
    SS 2008 Dr. G. Breustedt
    WS 2008/09 Prof. Dr. E. Wisker
    SS 2009 Prof. Dr. K. Schwarz
    WS 2009/10 Juniorprof. Dr. E. Linhart
    SS 2010 Priv.-Doz. Dr. H.-H. Sundermeier
    WS 2010/11 Prof. Dr. E. Hartung
    SS 2011 Dr. Mario Hasler
    WS 2011/12 Prof. Dr. C. Schulz
  • For questions, please contact the management director of the deanery  deanery office

    Further helpful information can also be found in the Postdoc Online Portal

  • As soon as you have been officially accepted as a doctoral candidate by the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences and have received your acceptance letter, you have the possibility to register as a doctoral student.

    Please consider the respective provision of the Hochschulgesetz of the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein and the respective doctoral degree regulations.

    If you are a German doctoral candidate with a German academic degree, please contact the student service center. In this case you can register online within the deadline of August 15th until September 30th for the respective winter semester or from February 15th to March 15th for the respective summer semester. The start of the course is then the start of the semester. Information on the re-registration deadlines can be found here.

    Doctoral candidates from abroad with an academic degree from abroad should contact the University's International Center to enroll as a doctoral student. A different registration procedure applies to you.

    Enrollment as a doctoral student is not required for later admission to the doctoral examination procedure. But as a doctoral student at the University of Kiel, you will receive a certificate of study (in German: Studienbescheinigung), which is for example required for your visa, for your scolarship, in order to get an accomodation of the university or in oder to use other discounts and services.


  • The Gender award was awarded for the first time at the AEF in 2024. We would like to offer two prizes again for 2025:

    • for a Master's thesis with prize money of 500 euros
    • for a Bachelor's thesis with prize money of 250 euros


    Graduates who have completed their thesis at the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences within the period from October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024 are eligible to apply.  The announcement of the Gender Prize with criteria is available here

    Apply by 30 September 2024!


  • It is planned that as many courses as possible will be held in presence. Since there are still a few weeks until the start of the semester, we can unfortunately only reflect the current planning status. 

    Master students are kindly asked to check the UniviS course catalog and the OLAT e-learning portal to find out how your chosen modules will be taught. Please also note that some modules are subject to prior registration due to space limitations. You will usually also receive information about this via UniviS, OLAT or the module descriptions

    For the first-year students of our Bachelor's programs, we have prepared here the list of compulsory modules and the form of teaching according to the current status.

    ATTENTION: in order to participate in the modules, registration via OLAT (learning platform) is necessary in many cases. The access data to OLAT has been sent by the Student Services together with your Stu-ID. The OLAT links to the individual courses are usually made available in UniviS (course catalog). 


    Form der Lehre


    Biologie Pflanzen (biol502)

    Vorlesungs- und Übungsmodul:

    Vorlesung als Hybridveranstaltung

    Übung in Präsenz (Anwesenheit erforderlich) 


    Anatomie und Physiologie des Menschen (biol506)

    Vorlesungsmodul:  Hybridveranstaltung, keine Übung


    Allgemeine Chemie I & II (chem0001-01a)

    Vorlesungs- und Übungsmodul:

    Vorlesung als Hybridveranstaltung

    Übung voraussichtlich Ende Februar 22 als Blockveranstaltung in Präsenz

    The Student Council organizes an accompanying tutoring.

    Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre (VWL-EVWL) 

    Übungen zur Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre

    Vorlesungs- und Übungsmodul: noch unbekannt



    Einführung in die Statistik und Informationsverarbeitung (AEF-ök001)


    hybrides Format, weitere Informationen in Univisund über OLAT


  • The registration and deregistration forms for module examinations are only to be used for modules offered by the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences. Separate forms are available for registering and deregistering for module examinations offered by other faculties. Please inform yourself on the pages of the respective responsible examination offices.


    Please register online: "Virtual Central Examination Office"

    Information on organising examinations online can be found here.


    Registration for the module examinations (PDF)
    (only if online registration is not possible)

    Withdrawal from module examinations
    (only if online withdrawal is not possible, you will receive the necessary information and forms here)

    Declaration of consent to performance/event participation


    Change into the examination regulations 2020

    Environmental Management - Change into the examination regulations 2020 (PDF)

    Application of Recognition of Studies as elective or compulsory Moduls MSc. EM, AE, DS (PDF)

    Application of Recognition of Studies as elective Moduls MSc. AgriGenomics (PDF)

    Application of Recognition of Studies as elective Moduls M.Sc (PDF)


    Forms Master Thesis

    Application for Extension of processing time Master Thesis (PDF)



    Information Guide: Master Thesis AgriGenomics 2017 & 2021 (PDF)

    Registration: Master Thesis AgriGenomcs (PDF)


    Dairy Sciences

    Information Guide: Master Thesis Dairy Sciences (PDF)

    Registration:  Master Thesis Dairy Sciences (PDF)


    Environmental Management

    Information Guide: Master Thesis Environmental Management Verision 2017 & 2020 (PDF)

    Registration:  Master Thesis Environmental Management (PDF)


    International Master of Applied Ecology (IMAE)

    Information Guide: Master Thesis International Applied Ecology (PDF)

    Registration: Master Thesis IMAE (PDF)


    Mecical Life Sciences

    Registration: Master Thesis Medical Life Sciences (PDF)

    Information Guide: Master´s Thesis Medical Life Sciences (PDF)







  • Zur Zeit sind keine Antrittsvorlesungen geplant.


  • Specific rules regarding the registration for your thesis and regarding corona-specific free trial regulations can be found on  the pages left hand side . 

    Deadlines and appointments for written and oral exams can be found in the folder "Around your studies" or just click here.

  • Aquakultur (für Studierende der Biologie und Biological Oceanography mit dem Abschluss Master of Science)

     Agrarökonomie - FPO 2017 -Änd. SS 2019  (für Studierende der Masterstudiengänge des Instituts für Volkswirtschaftslehre)
    Registration at the Examination Office of your faculty. Restricted places.

    Politikwissenschaften - FPO 2017 (für Studierende der Masterstudiengangs Politikwissenschaft (Modernes Regieren)

    Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologie (für Studierende 2-Fächer Master Chemie (LAG)
    Registration at the Examination Office of your faculty. Restricted places 

    1-Fach-Master Prähistorische und Historische Archäologie - Bodenkunde (1232 oder 1233)

    1-Fach-Master Umweltgeographie und Management -Wahlpflichtbereich B, kein Blockangebot


  • Regulations for the application procedures for modules with restricted admission 

    1. all registrations take place in the 1st week of the 2nd examination period of the previous semester. Preference shall be given to registration via OLAT or email. If certain selection criteria (degree program, number of semesters, passed propaedeutics, etc.) are required for the allocation of places, these must also be requested and indicated by the students.

    2. the allocation of places takes place in the 2nd week of the 2nd examination period of the pre-semester.

    3. The allocation of places is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the subject examination regulations. If it is not possible to reduce the overhang, the person responsible for the course shall make the selection from among those students who are enrolled in a course of study in which the course is scheduled, have registered in time by the deadline set by the person responsible, and meet the requirements for participation. Students whose number of semesters would be extended by non-admission are to be given preference. Among students of equal rank, the decision is made by lot. In order to avoid cases of hardship, the person responsible for the module may deviate from this order upon request. In the area of interdisciplinary or interdepartmental compulsory elective modules, the justification for the extension of studies does not apply; another module can be taken

    4. the announcement of all details required for the registration and announcement of the participants is binding in the module description under the item "Further details".

    Translated with (free version)

  • Examination Boards: 

    Agriculture: Prof. Dr. U. Orth
    Nutrition and Household Economics: Prof. Dr. M. Schellhorn
    Environmental Management/Applied Ecology: Prof. Dr. T. Diekötter
    AgriGenomics: Prof. Dr. G. Thaller
    Dairy Sciences Prof. Dr. Hartung
  • The Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences awards doctoral degrees in Agricultural Science (Dr. sc. agr.) and Nutritional Science (Dr. oec. troph).

    Acceptance as doctoral candidate

    at the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences

    In order to start your doctorate at the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences, the Faculty has to accept you officially. The requirements for an acceptance are regulated in the actual  Doctoral Degree Regulations.

    Hence, you need to agree with a professor on supervision by signing a supervising agreement.  At our faculty it is expected from our prospective PhD candidates to find a supervisor on your own and to contact him directly. The agreement document is available below or as an attachment in our doctoral degree regulations.

    Helpful information on organizing your doctoral project with your supervisor, on your financing and (health) insurance during the doctoral period, on your enrollment as a doctoral student at the CAU and what you have to consider for the recognition of this time for the German pension insurance etc. pp. can be found on the website of the Graduate Center.

    For your application as doctoral candidate please submit the following documents in one PDF-file as email to the dean's office,

    • the supervising agreement (To be filled in digitally for reasons of readability.)
    • a copy of your master’s degree (or comparable degree) including all exam grades and the final grade or a transcript of records
    • a copy of your valid identity card


    After receipt of your complete set of documents, we will send you a link to the CAU's doctorate statistics with a request to register as a doctoral candidate there and

    • confirm the registration in the online portal with a screenshot as PDF file

    The documents for your application for a doctorate are now complete and will be evaluated. External candidates are accepted by the Konvent (upcoming meetings of the Konvent can be found here). Please note the possible extensions of the evaluation period. You will then receive a letter of acceptance from the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences.

    With this letter of acceptance you can enroll as doctoral student at the CAU.

    If you are a doctoral candidate from abroad and want to enroll as doctoral student at the CAU, please contact the International Center.

  • Please have a look at our German website.

    (German flag at top right.)

  • At the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences you can submit your dissertation and register for the doctoral examination procedure and thus for the disputation on the following dates.

    Dates and Deadlines for Doctorates in SoSe 2024

    Dates and Deadlines for Doctorates in WS 2024/25


    The next registration period for the doctoral examination ends on Thursday, October 17th, 2024 at 11 a.m. Please make an appointment with Katja Blohm ( or 0431/880 2591) to submit your dissertation and register for the doctoral examination. Here is an overview of the available dates:

    time Tuesday,
    October 15th, 2024
    October 16th, 2024
    October 17th, 2024

    9:00 a.m.

    available assigned assigned

    9:30 a.m.

    available available assigned

    10:00 a.m.

    available assigned assigned

    10:30 a.m.

    available assigned assigned

    11:00 a.m.

    assigned assigned -

    11:30 a.m.

    available available -


    Disputations' Announcement:

    The next oral examinations as part of the doctoral examination procedure will take place on July 3rd, 2024 and are open to the public of the university.

    Oral exams (disputations) on July 3rd, 2024

    The closing ceremony with the ceremonial handover of the provisional certificates will take place on the same day at 4:15 p.m. in the Emil-Lang lecture hall, HRS 4.

  • The concept of the Centre for Molecular Biosciences is based on interdisciplinarity and scientific interaction between research groups of the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and the Faculty for Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences for highly specialized molecular biological and molecular genetic research. 

  • Management: Prof. Dr. Henning Kage
    Oper. Officer: Rüdiger Ströh
    Postal Address: Olshausenstr. 40
    24098 Kiel
    Visitor Address: Inspektor-Weimar-Weg
    D-24239 Achterwehr
    Phone: 04340/43 82
    Fax: 04340/95 94


    Versuchsgut Hohenschulen

    Farm area:

    207 ha, of which 30 ha is permanent experimental area for plot trials. 

    Land use of the farm areas:

    Winter wheat, winter barley, winter rape, sugar beets.

    Animal husbandry:

    Pig farming: 120 sow and 500 fattening places.

    Experimental activities:

    • Crop production: optimization of crop production systems [SFB 192]; crop rotation issues; production technology trials on cereals and canola; N fertilization; field forage production.
    • Pig production: breeding, husbandry, behavior and feeding.


    Research Information:

    Versuchsgut Hohenschulen


    LuPe is a prize awarded to (teaching) projects that leads to improved teaching at our faculty. 

    It aims to express appreciation for special teaching committment and for develompment of innovative teaching formats. It is announced once every semester (at the graduation ceremony) and is endowed with up to 1000€ grant.

    Responsible for the award is our student council by evaluating submitted applications.

    All members of the faculty (students, reserach assistants, professors) are welcome to apply for the prize and submit their ideas: 

    Revision of a lecture course,
    Production of lecture notes,
    creation of interactive teaching materials (e.g. agricultural technology exhibition, purchase/production of teaching aids,...)
    Learning games
    E-learning module
    Study projects for students,...


    The students' council is happy to recieve new suggestions and all ideas contributing to an improvement of teaching. 


    To apply for the grant, please fill in the Form and sent it to the following email address:, subject "Project for LuPe".



  • Ceremony from November 16th, 2012

    PhD Ceremony from November 8th, 2012


    Current habilitation regulations are availabe via the quicklink menue on the right hand side.

    Notes on the registration of a habilitation examination procedure

    Guideline for meeting the minimum standard of a written habilitation paper


    Rules of good scientific practice

    CAU guidelines for safeguardig good scientific parctice 

    according to the website

    Integrity and ethics in research at the CAU


  • The Institute of Human Nutrition and Food Science consists of five departments:

    Human Nutrition (only in German available)

    Food Technology

    Food Science

    Molecular Prevention


  • You will receive the link to the CAU's doctorate statistics from the Deans's office as soon as you have submitted your supervision agreement and your degree certificate.

    Based on the 2016 revision of the federal law on university statistics, the according amendments to the university law and the student data regulations of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel University (CAU) has both the permission and the obligation to collect data from you as a doctoral candidate, and deliver them to the statistical office of the state.

    After you have proven your registration, you will receive the acceptance letter from us.



  • Doctoral Degree Regulations 

    Note regarding the transition from the old to the new regulations:
    Doctoral researchers who have already been accepted as such at the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences at the time these Rules enter into force may complete the doctoral degree according to the new Doctoral Degree Regulations.
    Doctoral researchers accepted by the Faculty before 1 March 2012 may complete the doctoral examination in accordance with the Doctoral Degree Regulations applicable up to that point upon written request.
    Fast-track doctoral researchers accepted by the Faculty before 1 July 2020 may complete their doctoral degree with simultaneous acquisition of the Master’s degree in accordance with the version of the Doctoral Degree Regulations dated 9 December 2011 applicable for them upon request.


    CAU guidelines for safeguarding good scientific practice

    Notes on predatory publishing for doctoral candidates



  • Examination periods summer semester 2020/21

    In the summer semester 2021, courses and examinations must also be held under the conditions of the Corona pandemic. For this reason, the examination periods have been extended to three weeks each.

    1. examination period: 02nd of August 2021 - 21st of August 2021 (calendar weeks 31 - 33)

    2. examination period: 04th of October 2021 - 23rd of October 2021 (calendar weeks 40 - 42)

    You can find the date overviews under the following link:


    Examination periods summe semester 2021 - modified Tables of exams and possible oral exam dates

    3. examination period - August 2021 - modified written examination from winter semester 2020/21

    1. examination period - August 2021 - modified written examination from sommer semester 2021

    2. examination period - Oktober 2021 - modified written examination from sommer semester 2021


    1. examination period - August 2021 - Suggested dates of the lectures for oral examinations

    2. examination period - October 2021 - Suggested dates of the lectures for oral examinations



  • The professorship of Marine Aquaculture at the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences at CAU is associated with the scientific management of the Gesellschaft für Marine Aquakultur (GMA) mbH in Büsum. The latter also provides the experimental infrastructure of the professorship. If you want to learn more about the GMA, the staff and the current research activities, please use the following link:



  • Four agricultural experimental farms belong to the Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel. Professors of our Faculty manage them.

    • Experimental Farm Hohenschulen
    • Experimental Farm Karkendamm
    • Experimental Farm Lindhof
    • Gesellschaft für Marine Aquakultur mbH (refer to research center)
  • Our winter term always starts officially on October 1st. However, the lecture period for first-semester students starts later, with the end of the second examination period (for the examinations of the previous semester). You can find the lecture times here.

    Students of our Master's programs can access their timetables right away under "Around your studies". They will be updated at the respective official start of the semester (beginning of October). 

    The following applies to students of the Bachelor's programs:

    At the moment, we can only provide the timetables from previous semesters. They offer a first orientation, often the compulsory lectures remain at their "traditional" places. The timetables are exemplary and should be adhered to in order to be able to complete your studies on time. 

    As of October 1st, the final timetables should be ready. They can be found at the link above.

    We do not provide customized schedules. You can create personally configured timetables yourself in UniviS. The student council offers help videos for this purpose.


  • Please visit the Institutes' webpages:

    Institute for Plant Nutrition and Spoil Science:
    Plant Nutrition
    Soil Science

    Institute for Crop Science and Plant Breeding
    Agronomy and Crop Science
    Grass Forage Science/Organic Agriculture (partly English)

    Institute for Phytopathology
    Plant Diseases and Crop Protection
    Molecular Phytopathology and Biotechnologie
    Soil and Plant Microbiome

    Institute for Animal Nutrition and Physiology (only German)

    • Ernährungs- und Stoffwechselphysiologie
    • Tierernährung und Futtermittelkunde
    • Mikrobiom im Verdauungstrakt von Nutztieren


    Institute for Animal Nutrition and Husbandry (only German)

    • Tierhaltung und Produktqualität
    • Tiergesundheit und Tierhygiene
    • Tierzucht und Haustiergenetik
    • Marine Aquakultur


    Institute for Agricultural Engineering (only German)


    Institut for Agricultural Economics
    Agricultural Policy
    Agribusiness und Foodmarketing
    Farm Management and Production Economics
    Agricultural Market Analysis
    Political Economy of Resource Management with a Focus on Marine and Coastal Resources

    • Digigalization and Innovation in Agribusiness (former: Dairy and Food Industry Economics) (NN)


    Institute for Human Nutrition and Food Science
    Human Nutrition (only German)
    Food Science
    Food Technologie
    Molecular Prevention

    Institute for Food Economics and Consumption Studies
    Food Economics
    Hoursehold and Consumer Oriented Health Economics

    Institute for Natural Resource Conservation
    Hydrology and Water Resource Management
    Landscape Ecology

  • The registration and deregistration forms for module examinations are only to be used for modules offered by the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences. Separate forms are available for registering and deregistering for module examinations offered by other faculties. Please inform yourself on the pages of the respective responsible examination offices.


    Please register online: "Virtual Central Examination Office"

    Information on organising examinations online can be found here.


    Registration for the module examinations (PDF)
    (only if online registration is not possible)

    Withdrawal from module examinations
    (only if online withdrawal is not possible, you will recceive the necessary information and forms here)

    Declaration of consent to performance/event participation

    Application for the Recognition of Courses of Other Faculties Bachelor of Science (PDF)

    Application for the Recognition of international Courses as Optional Modules Bachelor of Science (PDF)









    Registration of the Bachelor or Master Theses

    The registration documents are available here:

    Forms Bachelor

    Forms Master

    Please send us the registration form by mail or email (scanned PDF document) or put it in the mail slot in our office door (HRS4, R18).  To avoid contact, please refrain from handing in the application form in person.

    The signatures of the two examiners* could be obtained by you in advance via email. Either the examiners sign on the form and send it back to you as a scanned document or both of them give their approval by email and you forward these emails together with the form signed and scanned by you to the examination office ( Please do not forget your signature on the back.

    Submission of Bachelor or Master Theses

    You can drop the printed paper into the letter slot in the office door of the examination office (Hermann-Rodewald-Str.4, room 18) or hand it in at the main gatekeeper’s lodge in front of the „CAU-Tower“. If you send it by mail, the postmark will be taken as the date of submission. To meet the deadline, final papers can be submitted to the examination office as a PDF file or by stu-Mail. 

    In order to meet the deadline, final papers can  be submitted to the  examination office as a PDF file by stu-mail in case that  printing and binding is not possible due to a corona-related closure of copy shops. The printed and bound version  must be submitted as soon as this is possible again. The digital file submitted within the deadline must be identical to the subsequently submitted printed and bound version.


  • Ernährungswissenschaften FPO 2017 Profil Fachergänzung (für Studierende 2-Fach-Bachelor Sportwissenschaften)
    Registration at the Examination Office of your faculty. Restricted places. 

    Grundlagen der Lebensmittel- und biotechnologie FPO 2013  (für Studierende Bachelor Chemie)
    Registration at the Examination Office of your faculty. Restricted places. 

    Agrarökonomik für 1-Fach-Bachelor Volkswirtschaftslehre

    Agrarsökonomik für 1-Fach-Bachelor Sozio-Ökonomik
    Registration at the Examination Office of your faculty. Restricted places. 

    Wasserwirtschaft 1-Fach-Bachelor Geographie

    Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung - 1-Fach-Bachelor Geographie

    1-Fach-Bachelor Geographie - Nebenfach Bodenkunde (8150)

    1-Fach Bachelor Prähistorische und Historsiche Archäologie - Nebenfach Geowissenschaft - Anteil Bodenkunde

  • Definition: 

    1. A module is a teaching unit that is composed of one or more courses and is predominantly held within a semester.
    2. The scope of a module should be 4 SWS, e.g. a composition of 2 SWS lecture + 1 SWS exercises + 1 SWS seminar.
    3. Each module is weighted with credit points according to the time spent on participation (attendance in lectures, preparation and follow-up, examination).
    4. Each completed module that is required for the calculation of your final grade is listed in the certificate. Additional modules are certified separately.
    5. Each module of our faculty that is not prescribed as a compulsory module for a student and originates from the same degree (B.Sc. in B.Sc. and M.Sc. in M.Sc.) can be brought in for the cross-degree compulsory elective area



    How to find a module-code

    The current offer of courses for a semester especially for elective courses is availabe at  UNIVIS.

    Explanation of the module numbers:

    AEF-agr001 ff. bzw. agrarAEF001 ff = Agrarwissenschaften, B.Sc. und M.Sc./Agricultural Sciences, B.Sc. and M.Sc.

    AEF-eg001 ff.  bzw. egAEF001 ff   = Ernährungs- und Verbraucherökonomie, Angebot der Fachrichtung/Food and consumer economics, offer of the department

    AEF-el001 ff. bzw. elAEF001 ff     = Ernährungs- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften, Angebot der Fachrichtung/Nutrition and food sciences, offered by the department

    AEF-ök001 ff. bzw. ökAEF001 ff    = Ökotrophologie, Module, die in der FPO gelistet sind/Nutrition and Household Economics, modules listed in the examination regulations

    AEF-EM001 ff. bzw. EMAEF001 ff = Environmental Management/Applied Ecology

    AEF-ds001ff. bzw. dsAEF001 ff    = Dairy Science

    Importmodule  = Module aus anderen Fakultäten/Import modules = modules from other faculties

    Exportmodule = Export in andere Fakultäten/Export modules = export to other faculties


    We refer to the german version of this page for detailed module descriptions. Please click here and scroll down to the bottom of the page.



  • Master and PhD candidates have the possibility to apply for a grant of the Heinz- Wüstenberg-Stiftung to receive up to 2.500€ each for their research project. Usually, this research project should be realized within a research trip to other universitites.

    In case a acceptance we expect you to attend our Master- and Bachelor Degree ceremony (December) to receive the grant certificate in person and to introduce your research project in thanks (max. 2 min).

    Submissions are possible annually until August, 15th only by your superving and recommending professor. A full set of application documents - only in German language - (sent as PDF file to the dean's office)  includes:

    - informal  written application of the candidate 

    - CV (tabular or long version)

    - certificates (expected grade above-average)

    - explanation of research project

    - cost table (with realistic estimate of costs)

    In case of numerous applications , the graduate committee will decide about a ranking of recommendation. The final decision is up to the Wüstenberg-Stiftung. 




    Following a resulition of our Convention Committe, since 2004 the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences awards the Golden Honorary Pin to people who delivered outstanding services to the Faculty.

    The Golden Honorary Pin is donated by the Society of Friends of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and is presented during the Academic Ceremony for the Handover of Deanship.

    2018: Prof. Dr. Peter-Christian Lorenzen

    2016: Dipl.-Met. Klaus Baese

    2014: Prof. Dr. Gerd-Dieter Kiosz, Klaus Pabst

    2012: Dr. Karl Blobel

    2010: Dr. Andreas Piltz

    2008: Dr. Alfred Angermann, Otto Dietrich Steensen

    2006: Prof. Dr. Karl Leitner, Prof. Dr. Halvor Jochimsen, Prof. Dr. Hans Hagemeister

    2004: Dipl.Ing.agr. Herbert Boekhoff, Dr. Volker von Borries, Dr. Fred Jensen, Dr. Robert Kob, Dr. Arno Panzer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Reiche



  • Habilitation thesis
    In order to promote young scientists, the faculty provides the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to conduct independent research and teaching by means of a habilitation thesis and a scientific colloquium. Prerequisite for the habilitation is the doctoral degree in agricultural sciences, ecotrophology or an equivalent qualification. The habilitation thesis should provide new scientific knowledge based on the applicant's own research.

    Habilitation Committee
    For the evaluation of the habilitation thesis, the Habilitation Committee, elected by the Faculty Convention and chaired by the Dean, appoints at least four professors as reviewers. On the basis of the available expert opinions, the habilitation committee recommends to the Faculty Convention the acceptance or rejection of the habilitation thesis.

    The colloquium follows the acceptance of the thesis. It consists of a scientific lecture followed by a discussion covering the entire subject for which habilitation is sought. With the test lecture, the applicant should prove that he/she is able to present and represent a scientific issue of his/her subject in a concise form. The lecture should not be from the field of the habilitation thesis. If the oral habilitation performance is accepted by the habilitation committee, the habilitation procedure is successfully completed.

    Teaching qualification
    In the habilitation certificate, the applicant is certified as qualified to teach in the subject in which the habilitation took place, and is granted the right to add the suffix 'habilitatus' ('habil.') to the doctoral degree he/she holds. Upon application, the Senate of the University grants the authorization to teach (Venia legendi) with the right to use the academic title 'Privatdozent' or 'Privatdozentin' (Priv.- Doz.).

    Note on the submission of printed copies: All printed copies of the habilitation thesis intended for the reviewers and for publication must be handed in at the Dean's Office. With regard to the print quality, the same conditions apply as for dissertations. For archiving reasons, the thesis must be printed on acid-free and ageing-resistant paper and bound without the use of metal or plastic parts. A perfect-bound brochure and double-sided printing are desirable. The choice of format (DIN A4 or DIN A5) is free, as is the choice for black and white or colour printing. Please inform yourself  here. After successful completion of the habilitation procedure, the print copies of the habilitation thesis intended for publication will be forwarded by the Dean's Office to the UB.  


    Translated with (free version)


  • If you do research work as a doctoral candiate at Kiel University without an employment contract, e.g. in a laboratory or on one of the university farms, you have the possibility of concluding a Gestattungsvertrag (licensing agreement) with your supervisor in which the rights and duties of both parties can be specified.

    You can find a model agreement here (German) and here (English). Please note that only the German version of such an agreement is legally binding. The model agreement can be modified to reflect the particular situation of the doctoral candidate. The institute in question, the faculty, represented by the dean's office, and the legal counsel of Kiel University, Ms. Daniela Geißler, must approve of the final agreement.

  • The Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences (AEF) at Kiel University was founded under the name Faculty of Agriculture in 1946 and was mainly dominated by male students and researchers. Almost twenty-five years later, the proportion of female students and scientists increased with the establishment of the Ecotrophology and Nutritional Science study program. Meanwhile, gender equality is a central goal in all areas of the faculty, which is to be implemented steadily through appropriate measures. We, as the Equal Opportunity Team of the Faculty, together with the Equal Opportunity Committee, consisting of representatives from all status groups of the scientific enterprise of the AEF, have developed our Equal Opportunity Plan successfully.

    The promotion of equality is to be achieved primarily through the awarding of a faculty gender prize for student theses, the support of female scientists after their doctorate during maternity and parental leave by a research assistant and the offer of workshops on gender and equality-related topics.

    Moreover, we would like to be the contact for all scientists who are interested in our gender equality work. A close cooperation with the diversity and family officers of the AEF as well as with the public relations of the faculty should enrich our activities and make them visible.

    The Equality Plan was adopted at the 348th (ordinary) session of the Convention on 26 October 2022 and is available here.

    We are...

  • Currently, there is no structured continuing education program at the Faculty of Agriculture and Nutrition.

    The annual conference (Hochschultagung) of our Faculty serves for further education, the meeting of scientists with agricultural and nutritional practitioners and at the same time as a meeting place for former students of the faculty.

    The lectures held in the colloquia of the institutes of the Faculty are public and can be used as continuing education.

    As an institution for continuing agricultural education, the Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Agriculture is significantly involved. The Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences maintains a close cooperation. For example, scientists regularly give lectures as part of these continuing education courses offered by the chamber.

    The Christian-Albrechts-University also offers continuing education courses:

    Career Center of the CAU

    Continuing Professional Development Center



  • Registration and withdrawal from examinations

    Please register online: "Virtual Central Examination Office"

    If it is not possible to register for or withdraw from a module examination, please use the corresponding form:
    Forms of the Bachelor's programme
    Forms of the Master's programme

    You can find the semester times and deadlines:
    Semester times
    Schedules for the examination periods


    Notes on the examinations

    1. All academic examination equivalents in the forms of papers, reports or presentations must - without exception - be registered for the 1st examination period of a semester.  
    2.  All oral and written components of examinations from modules offered by our faculty can be registered for independently of each other in three time periods:
    • WS modules in February, March/April and July
    • SS modules in July, October and February
    1. The rules pertaining to externally completed modules are determined by the faculties offering those courses.
    2. For written examinations and oral examinations, withdrawal is possible without giving reasons up to the 8th day before the examination date. For all other types of examinations, the registration deadline is also the withdrawal deadline.
    3. The certificates submitted for oral examinations are only recorded after the lecturers have received the examination protocols. Please wait with enquiries until 1 week after the end of the examination period.

    For all Bachelor's and Master's students, there are uniformly two examination periods, each extending over 2 weeks. In principle, the first examination period corresponds to the last week of the lecture period and the first week of the semester break:

    • the 1st examination period corresponds to the last week of the lecture period and the first week of the lecture-free period.
    • the 2nd examination period corresponds to the last week of the lecture-free period and the first week of the lecture period of the following semester.

    If you are prevented from attending on certain days during the examination period (weddings, internships, etc.), please let us know before the examination dates for the oral examinations are assigned. You will find the deadline in the examiners' schedule. Unfortunately, notifications received later cannot be considered. Requests for a specific exam day are not possible. Requests like: First or last exam in the period we try to consider.


    Examination schedule Wintersemester 2023/24

    1. examination period: 12th February 2024 - 24th February 2024

    2. examination period: 02nd April 2024 - 13th April 2024


    Lists of written examinations and possible dates of oral examinations

     3. examination period SuSe 2023 - February 2024  - written examination

     1. examination period WiSe 2023/24 - February 2024 - written examination

     2. examination period WiSe 2023/24 - April 2024 - written examination


    1. examination period - February 2024 - possible dates of the examiners for oral examination

    2. examination period - April 2024 - possible dates of the examiners for oral examination

  • The University Library supports Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel's recommendation to all members of the university to publish in Open Access so that scientific findings are freely accessible and usable for everyone.

    Publishing & Open Access

    Hints on publishing your dissertation via MACAU

    Funding of open access publications

    Unfortunately quite a number of dubious publications are active in the sector Open Access. This phenomenon is known as "predatory publishing". The Graduate Center has collected information about this problem.

    Predatory Publishing

    What requirements do research funding organisations have of applicants for third-party funded projects? The database SHERPA Juliet can answer these questions. The database contains current information about the requirements of research funding organisations regarding Open Access, publications and data archiving.


  • Maybe you have already thought about your professional future after your studies. You can find some hints on possible fields of activity already on the study information sheets

    The faculty offers a job portal for many years. Have a look around, maybe there is something for you. 

    Or maybe you want to start a business? The Center for Entrepreneurship at CAU can help you with that. The Science Center can also be a place that supports you in your projects.

    But maybe you are also thinking about doing a doctorate? Then please inform yourself on the pages of the faculty about doctoral studies. There you will find all relevant information from the requirements for a successful application to the doctoral examination procedure. 

  • Do you need help in choosing your study program? The staff at the CAU's central student advisory service can help you get started. The ASTA also offers general student advising.

    If you have any questions about a course of study at the AEF, you can contact

    • the Examinations Office if you have basic questions about the curriculum, schedules, compulsory or elective modules, transcripts, etc,
    • the Internship Office, if you want to know  already completed internships can be credited or if you need support in finding an internship, or
    • contact the subject-specific advisors if you have specific questions about the courses offered in your chosen field of study.

    Our advisors as well as the contact persons in the internship offices of Agricultural Sciences and Nutritional and Household Economics can be found in the glossary on this page, which is sorted by study program.

    The student council of the AEF offers a student advisory service "from the student's point of view". Please inform yourself on the pages of the student council, visit the student council (HRS4, rear side of the Emil Lang lecture hall) or call: 0431 880 3651.


  • We offer our schedules for the current and the previous semester  here:








    Transition from Bachelor - to Masterstudies

    Attendance of courses and the corresponding examinations in the Master of Science degree are only possible if you are enrolled in the Master of Science degree. In this case, provisional enrollment is equivalent.
    Information on provisional enrollment are unfortunately only available in German.
    A BSc. degree has to be proven until either June 10th or December 10th.



  • The application for the award of the APL title can be made at the earliest four years after the habilitation and ten years after the doctorate. 

    The criteria of the Guidelines for Applying for an APL Professorship of the President's Office apply.

    If there is no habilitation, the Habilitation Committee of the Faculty may, on the basis of the criteria for the 
    General determination of eligibility for an appointment (Convention of 05.07.2017) examine whether the requirements for the award of an APL professorship may be met.

    For your application, please submit all documents in the order below as one complete PDF file to the Dean's Office (; attn: Maren Brechtefeld)

    1. a curriculum vitae written in German and/or English, which should provide information in particular about the educational background and further scientific training after completion of the university studies,
    2. copies of the certificates of
    • the successful completion of studies (state examination, diploma, bachelor's and master's degrees or proof of an equivalent scientific qualification,
    • the doctoral degree certificate or proof of an equivalent scientific qualification, and 
    • the award of the venia legendi as well as 
    • if applicable, the certificates of recognition as a specialist, habilitation or appointment as junior professor,
    1. a list of publications and lectures
    2. a list of previous teaching activities with the associated evaluation results; in particular, a statement of the applicant's own contribution in the case of courses offered by more than one person.
    3. a statement by the applicant of his or her citizenship and, if the applicant is not in public service, a police clearance certificate; and a statement of disciplinary convictions or any pending criminal or formal disciplinary proceedings.
    4. a list of projects and/or external funding obtained to date,
    5. a list of completed supervised dissertations and other academic theses,
    6. list positions achieved in appointments, - participation in academic committees.


    Additional documents may be requested in individual cases.


  • You have decicded to apply for being accepted as PhD candidate at our faculty. Welcome! 

    To give you an overview about the procedure, please read the following pages carefully. You find all necessary information about the process of application, examination and additional administration information.

    At our faculty it is expected from our prospective PhD candidates to find a supervisor on your own. Please find a list of our institutes and its professors here.

    Please keep in mind that the PhD process underlies many legal regulations and the deanery will check all necessary compliances. For this reason it is absolutely necessary to read at least once the actual doctoral regulations, which you can find on the rigth hand side by clicking on "Ordnungen und Satzungen" (Quicklinks). An english version is available.


    If you have questions regarding these rules, please do not hesitate to contact 

    Ms. Katja Blohm via phone (2591) or Email.

  • Profile formation and self-image of the faculty:  

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the solutions to fundamental societal development problems needed to achieve them are closely linked to the production and consumption of agricultural goods in many areas. As a life science, agricultural and food sciences can and must therefore make an essential contribution to solving these problems. Research at the AEF succeeds in doing so, especially through its evolving innovative methodological as well as interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary orientation. The AEF has already responded to this through the thematic orientation of new professorships in the areas of microbiome research, metabolomics and nutriinformatics, among others, as a central component in the life sciences.

    The successful thematic interlinking of the four disciplines of plant, animal, agricultural and food economics as well as environmental sciences up to and including nutritional sciences and the involvement of the various societal stakeholders in the formulation of relevant research questions, the communication of results and the development of proposed solutions is to be further deepened.

    The interactive dialogue with industry, stakeholders and citizens is seen as central to this. The inclusion of computer science is emerging as a megatrend of future transdisciplinary research in agricultural and nutritional sciences. On the one hand, this follows from the increasing importance of digitalization within the agriculture and food industry, but also within science and universities themselves. The increasing importance of big data, computational analytics and modeling as well as IT-supported communication such as IT tools in stakeholder and customer communication, applications (apps) in therapy, digital control tools within the agribusiness value chain, in the administrative implementation of agricultural policy decisions as well as in political decision-making represent developments that are already in full swing and will continue to develop exponentially. Recognizing this and implementing it early through the development of innovative professorships is critical to ensuring that agricultural and food sciences can make their contribution to solving fundamental societal development problems.

    In this context, the future viability of new agricultural and food management systems to be developed will arise from the extension of a frequently pursued unilateral approach of yield or consumption maximization by the ecosystem-oriented component of resource and climate protection. Such a methodological and thematic development of research is reflected in a corresponding development of teaching at the AEF. In addition to the innovative teaching of new methodological approaches in the current course of studies, the conception and implementation of new international master's programs in the interface area of computer science and agricultural and food sciences is particularly targeted. 

    Translated with (free version)

  • If you would like to visit us, please make an appointment. Masks are compulsory in our rooms.


    Postal Address: Olshausenstr. 40
    D-24098 Kiel 
    Visitor Address: Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 4
    24118 Kiel
    Phone: +49 (0) 431 880 5331

    +49 (0) 431 880 7334

    The office is located at Campus Area A/B close to the main building of the University (skyscraper Christian-Albrechts-Platz). Please find a map here.


    To find the responsible contact person in the deanery, please take a look  here 

  • AStA

    International Center

    Studentenwerk SH

    University Computing Center

    Student Service (only German)

    Kiel University Library

    Central Student Advisory Office (only German)


    For further information on central facilities please visit Kiel University's main webpage.

  • Please find all rules, hints and useful information regarding our Phd-process on the following webpages. To switch to single topics, please use the drop down menu on the left site.

    Please note that the official language for the PhD procedure and its documents is German. Any available English translations of forms and documents are for informational purposes only; the original German versions are legally binding.

  • Max-Rubner-Institute



    IFCN Dairy Research Center

    Gesellschaft für Marine Aquakultur

    Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology

    Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK)



  • Management: Prof. Dr. Georg Thaller
    Operations Manager Jens Matthiesen
    postal address: Olshausenstr. 40
    24098 Kiel
    visitors address: Am Hallohberg 9, 24567 Bimöhlen
    Phone.: +49 (0) 4192/5954


    Karkendamm Melkkarussel


    Operating area:

    249,4 ha

    Land use of the farm land:

    Corn, grass, winter wheat, winter barley, winter rye, soybeans, canola, forage crops - Experimental land.

    Animal husbandry:

    204 dairy cows, German Holstein.

    219 calves and young female animals.

    Experimental activities:

    Research around the dairy cow:

    • Breeding for feed intake.
    • Cultivation of indigenous protein and energy sources
    • Measuring methane excretion
    • Bioactive plant ingredients


  • The professorship of Marine Aquaculture at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at CAU is associated with the scientific management of the Gesellschaft für Marine Aquakultur (GMA) mbH in Büsum. The latter also provides the experimental infrastructure of the professorship. If you want to learn more about the GMA, the staff and the current research activities, please use the following link:


    Besides the GMA, the AEF is a partner of the Centre for Molecular Biosciences, an interdisciplinary institution at the CAU. 

  • Johann-Heinrich-von-Thünen-Medal in Gold

    The Alfred Toepfer Foundation F.V.S. stopped awarding the Thünen Medal in 2005 and replaced it in 2007 with the newly created Cultura Award. The Agricultural
    and Nutritional Sciences Faculty awards the Thünen Medal on its own as of 2009.

    The prize curatorship consists of six members. The Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel appoints three members from among its full-time professors in addition to the respective dean. The other members are appointed by the Faculty on the recommendation of the Board of Trustees. At least two members of the board of trustees should be practical farmers.

    Johann Heinrich von Thünen

    (June 24, 1783 to September 22, 1850)

    Johann Heinrich von Thünen was born on June 24, 1783, in Kanarienhausen near Hooksiel in Jeverland. He attended Lucas Andreas Staudinger's agricultural training school in Holstein, where he demonstrated fundamental ideas as early as 1803 on a term paper, which he later developed into a seminal work of national economics as a practical farmer on the Tellow estate in Mecklenburg from 1810 to 1850).

    His teacher and friend Staudinger accompanied his work and ensured that Thuenen's work "The Isolated State in Relation to Agriculture and National Economy" was published as Part 1 in Hamburg in 1826. Four years later, he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Rostock.

    In his work Thuenen shows the optimal supply of the population with economic goods and thus at the same time the expedient location and the optimal production intensity of the individual branches of the economy. In his assumptions, the arrangement of the directions of production takes place around the point of sale in the so-called "Thünen circles". They are arranged according to the transport costs per unit of area and distance around the market. Thünen's method is primarily that of isolating abstraction.

    The 2nd part of the "isolating state" was published in 1850. Particularly noteworthy from this are the statements on the natural remuneration of workers contained in his wage formula. These statements also show Thünen's social attitude in particular.

    With his work, Thuenen founded important research institutions in the economic and social sciences, such as farm economics and econometrics, agricultural, urban and forestry location theory, marginal analysis, marginal productivity theory, economic optimization, total model calculation, and theories on political and social statements about natural wages and profit sharing.

    He died on September 22, 1850 on his Tellow estate as a practical farmer and is today considered the most important German economist of his time

    Translated with (free version)


    Liste der Preisträger

    1966 bis 1969

    1966 Helmut Graf (†), Domäne Marienburg bei Hildesheim
    1967 Flemming Juncker, Overgaard (Dänemark)
    1968 Wilhelm vor Schulte (†), Dr., Achterwehr über Kiel
    1969 Adalbert Freiherr von Poschinger-Bray (†), Dr., Irlbach über Straubing

    1970 bis 1979

    1970 Peter Herzog von Oldenburg, Lensahn (Holstein)
    1971 Werner Reinersmann, Dr. , Gut Lerchenfeld bei Regensburg
    1972 Friedrich Matthiesen, Herrenkoog (Nordfriesland)
    1973 Emil Klaus (†), Bischoffingen (Breisgau)
    1974 Sir Nigel Strutt, T.D., D.L., F.R.Ag.S., Chelmsford/Essex
    1975 Carl-Ernst Büchting, Dr. , Einbeck
    1976 Anton Schlüter (†), Dipl-Ing. Dr. h.c., Freising
    1977 Peter Herzog zu Schleswig-Holstein (†), Grünholz
    1978 Dietmar Hölzl (†), Landwirtschaftsdirektor Dipl.-Landw., Fürth
    1979 Adolf Luetgebrune, Landwirt, Lage-Müssen/Lippe

    1980 bis 1989

    1980 Klaus Peters, Landwirt, Röst bei Heide (Holstein)
    1981 Joachim Klindworth, Landwirt, Bargstedt-Ohrensen (Niedersachsen)
    1982 Alfred Strothe (†), Hannover
    1983 Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft e.V., Frankfurt a.M.
    1985 Hans-Hermann Meinecke, Westerstede/Hollenriede (Niedersachsen)
    1987 Dietrich Brauer (†), Hohenlieth (Schleswig-Holstein)
    1989 Hans-Ulrich Hege (†), Domäne Hohebuch, Waldenburg

    1990 bis 1999

    1991 Romúald Ozimek, Dipl.-Ing., Brzozow (Polen)
    1993 Karl-Heinz Hüggelmeyer, Erpen/Bad Rothenfelde
    1995 Franz Ehrsam, Großheirath
    1997 Bernd Kopmann, Hohendorf
    1999 Sven Fischer, Örebro/Schweden

    2000 bis 2014

    2001 Heinrich Graf von Bassewitz, Dr., Dalwitz/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
    2003 Dr. Chantal Mathy, Daussoulx, Belgien
    2005 Siegfried Mayer, Möderbrugg, Österreich
    2009 Christian Graf Holck(†) , Farve
    2012 Dr. Martin Frauen, Hohenlieth

    ab 2015

    2015 Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Alois Heißenhuber, München-Weihenstephan
    2018 Leo Siebers, Gut Endhuisen, Kleve
  • Dear Students and Members of the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Science,
    here you will find information on changes due to Corona pandemic.

    During the winter term, the 3G status of the students will be checked on the entire university campus. Participation in classes and during examinations is only allowed with a corresponding digital vaccination certificate or an official test certificate (not older than 24 hours). 

    Please carry your digital vaccination certificate or the official test certificate together with your personal ID all the time with you.

    In case you get infected by the corona virus during holidays, please follow the guidelines of our faculty.

    As international student, scientitst or guest, please do not hesitate to contact the International Center if you have difficulties in understanding all „Corona“-regulations properly.
    International Students:
    International Scientists:;
    Carephone/psychological service:


    Examination office

    Currently, student counselling is not possible. For individual rules regarding examination registration and registering for your BA or MA thesis please take a look here.

    Doctoral degree

    Currently we are only allowed to accept registration for the PhD examination procedure after previous appointment.

    Please refer to the corresponding webpages.

    At least until the end of wwinter term 21/22 all disputations will be held digitally. It is obilgatory to use BigBlueButton. You will receive a link to your disputation from your committe chair.

    Dean’s office

    The Dean's office welcomes you after previous registration. Please call or write an email to arrange an appointment and be aware that we'll check your vaccination/test status befor entering the deanery.

    Section Libraries 

    The departmental libraries may reopen under certain circumstances. Please contact the institutes directly to find out whether this is possible while observing the protective measures.

    All members and affiliates of the CAU have access to all electronic journals, databases and e-books licensed by the University via VPN access for access from home. During the Corona crisis, some providers and publishers offer parts of their e-media services for temporary access.

    Electronic media:

    Section librabry for economic sciences, Heinrich-Hecht-Platz 9 (HHP9)

    • Mr. Heine is in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays and processes e.g. mails (such as procurements) and can be reached by phone, e.g. to organize the individual access of colleagues to pick up books.
    • The building is generally also closed for employees - special requests are possible, please contact Mr. Heine directly.
    • A basic service of the UB is maintained. In addition several mails were sent in the last days. For more information see UB homepage with FAQ Here you can also find information about publishers who release e-resources for a limited period of time.


    Further Links

    Current information from the CAU on Corona:

  • Definition: 

    1. A module is a teaching unit that is composed of one or more courses and is predominantly held within a semester.
    2. The scope of a module should be 4 SWS, e.g. a composition of 2 SWS lecture + 1 SWS exercises + 1 SWS seminar.
    3. Each module is weighted with credit points according to the time spent on participation (attendance in lectures, preparation and follow-up, examination).
    4. Each completed module that is required for the calculation of your final grade is listed in the certificate. Additional modules are certified separately.
    5. Each module of our faculty that is not prescribed as a compulsory module for a student and originates from the same degree (B.Sc. in B.Sc. and M.Sc. in M.Sc.) can be brought in for the cross-degree compulsory elective area
    1. Systematics of Module Codes


    The current offer of courses for a semester especially for elective courses is availabe at  UNIVIS.


    Pflichtmodule im B. Sc. Agrarwissenschaften (Agrar)/compulsory modules B. Sc. Agricultural Sciences

    Pflichtmodule im B. Sc. Ökotrophologie (Ök)/compulsory modules B. Sc. Nutritional and Household Economics

    Wahlmodule für die Bachelorstudiengänge Agrar und Ök/elective modules Bachelor Study Programs

    Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. Agrarwissenschaften (Agrar)/compulsory modules M. Sc. Agricultural Sciences

    Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. Ernährungs- und Verbraucherökonomie (EVÖ)/compulsory modules M. Sc. Nutritional and Consumer Econommics

    Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. Ernährungs- udn Lebensmittelwissenschaften (EL)/compulsory modules M. Sc. Nutritional and Food Sciences

    Wahlmodule in den Masterstudiengängen Agrar, EL und EVÖ/elective modules M. Sc. Agricultural Sciences, EVÖ and EL

    Pflicht- und Wahlmodule im M. Sc. Dairy Science (DS)/compulsory and elective modules M. Sc. Dairy Science

    Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. AgriGenomics (AgriG)/compulsory modules M. Sc. AgriGenomics

    Pflichtmodule im M. Sc. Environmental Management (EM) und im Int. Master Applied Ecology (IMAE)/compulsory modules Environmental Management and Applied Ecology

    Im- und Exportmodule/Import modules and Export modules

  • Please find relevant documents for your Bachelor- or Master's degree for PDF- download on the following pages.


    Forms of the Bachelor's programme

    Forms of the Master's programme

  • The corona-related free trial regulations are not valid anymore for winter term 2021/22!

    The AEF's free trial regulations for the summer term 2021 (corona-related)

    The regulation of the winter semester 2020/21 will be continued.
    A free attempt will be granted for all examinations taken and failed in the examination periods of the summer semester 2021.

    The free attempt regulation will only be applied to examinations of the AEF. Modules and examinations originating from other faculties (import modules) are subject to the regulations of the other faculties. Please enquire at the respective examination offices!


    • The regulations also include, among other things, presence examinations and homework.
    • In the case of combined examinations (e.g. presentation + term paper), the following applies: The examination is only considered to have been passed when all examination parts have been submitted in full.
    • This also includes, for example, repeat examinations from previous semesters that are taken in the summer semester 2021.
    • The regulation also applies to examinations which are assigned to the summer semester 2020/21 but which take place at a later date for organisational reasons (principle of equal treatment).
    • A fail by not appearing for the examination also leads to a free attempt.
    • For students who care for or look after children under the age of 14 and whose learning or examination situation is significantly more difficult due to the closure of schools and day-care facilities, any examination taken and not passed in the winter semester 2020/2021 is considered a free attempt. A copy of the birth certificate must be submitted to the Examinations Office as proof.
    • No free attempt is granted for failed final examinations (bachelor thesis, master thesis).
    • Failure to pass due to attempted cheating does NOT result in a free attempt


  • This platform is intended to help students, graduates and doctoral candidates to improve their career entry.

    We cordially invite all companies or departmental research institutions to publish their job offers here. Please send them as a pdf file to and, if possible, also indicate a contact person.

    Job advertisements will be published until this date if an application deadline is given. If there is no application deadline, the ads are usually online for 2 months. After that they will be deleted automatically.

    Here you can find job offers for working students and internships

    Here you can find job offers for seasonal jobs

    Here you can find job offers in the scientific field

    Here you can find job offers in companies and enterprises

    You have not found anything suitable? Here you can find further portals for job search:

    Stellenangebote der BLE

    CareerNetwork JOBBÖ (Agrar)

    Bundesagentur für Arbeit / Akademiker

    Kieler Jobanzeiger


    Career Center der CAU

    Zentrum für Entrepreneurship

    Contacts: Firmenkontaktmesse der Universität-

    Agrar-, Job- und Karriereportal des DLV

  • The Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences offers selected courses for minor students.

    Binding for you - especially in case of deviations - is always the subject examination regulations of your study program. If a module you are taking is not explicitly listed there, please inform yourself urgently at your examination office whether you are allowed to take an examination in the module you have chosen. 

  •  Information event on the transitional provisions (equivalence lists) to the new subject examination regulations

    Here, you can find the general Presentation of our information lecture on Wednesday, 26th of May.2021 regarding our transitional provisions. 

    The transitional provisions become part of the respective subject examination regulations.



  • - Dear Students, 

    At present, priority is given to the following matters:

    - certificates for BAFÖG and student loans
    - Final documents
    - Final papers
    - Performance overviews for applications and as proof for authorities
    - Recognitions that have to be proven in WiSe 2021/22

    Please contact the examination office by mail. Use the stu mail address. Based on the European Data Protection Regulation, the Examination Office may only communicate with enrolled students via this mail address. Other senders of enrolled students will be deleted unprocessed.

    The Student Advisory Service of the Student Council has agreed to actively support the Examination Office around advising. Please also contact the student council if you have any questions:
    The student council can be contacted as follows:
    Tel: +49(0)431 880 3651

    No regular office hours will be offered until February 2022. If there is a need for personal contact, individual appointments will be made.
    Final papers may still be submitted in person.

    Please be aware of the 3G-rules and prepare your digital vaccination pass or an official test certificate as well as your personal ID for check before entrance.

    In addition, the main gate is staffed around the clock, and final papers may also be dropped off here. If submitted via regular mail, the deadline is the date of the stamped mark.
    Registration for final paper submissions have to be made by e-mail.


    Delivery Address Olshausenstr. 40
    24098 Kiel 
    Visitor Address Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 4
    Zi.: 18
    Telephone: 0431/880-3209



    (Please be sure to provide your matriculation number)

    Office Hours
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
    9 - 11 am 9 - 11 am 9 - 11 am 9 - 11 am



  • Internationalization
    The Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences promotes internationalization in research and teaching. The Faculty's Convention adopted an internationalization strategy on May 28, 2014 Internationalization strategy (only German version available) on May 28, 2014

    Contact: Prof. Dr. D. Cai

    Semester abroad with Erasmus +

    Students of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences with an interest in a semester abroad have access to a variety of partnerships with foreign universities under the Erasmus+ program. The EU program promotes student mobility within the European Union. In addition to a financial grant, the program offers the benefits of studying at the host university for one or two semesters without tuition fees. The academic achievements at the host university are recognized. The arrangement of accommodation and on-site advice by a contact person are part of the program.

    For more information, please visit the pages of the International Center . A current list of partner universities can be found here. (In the Excel table, you will find the responsible CAU program officers of the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences in the "Faculty" column under "A")


    Within the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences there are several Erasmus representatives who support students in preparing a semester abroad within Europe. The responsibility of the representatives depends on the field of study.

    Please also note the information sheet for outgoing students.


    Field of Study Representative Contact
    Agricultural Economics Dr. Thomas Bittmann
    Nature and Resource Conservation,
    Environmental Management
    Dr. Tobias W. Donath & Dr. Uta Ulrich
    Food Economics and Consumer Science Lisa-Marie Schulte
    Plant Nutrition and Soil Science Dr. Heiner Fleige
    Agricultural Process Engineering Prof. Eberhard Hartung
    Animal Husbandry and Product Quality Prof. Joachim Krieter
    Human Nutrition and Food Science

    Prof. Karin Schwarz &           Bärbel Gruber
    Animal Breeding and - Genetics Prof. Georg Thaller
    Agrigenomics Dr. Nazgol Emrani
    Dairy Science Dr. Angelika Häußermann



    The current English versions of the orders can be found on the following pages:

    Examination Prodedure Regulation

    Examination Regulations (Rules) of the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences


    Versions of subject examination regulations that are no longer valid - Please switch to the german page


    M.Sc. Environmental Management

    • new version of the examination regulations from October 1st, 2020
    • Equivalence lists 


    Fachprüfungsordnung M.Sc Environmental Management 2020

    Equivalence lists Environmental Management - change from 2017 version to 2020 version

    Equivalence lists Environmental Management - remaining in the 2017 version


    The diverse range of studies offered by the faculty, with two undergraduate bachelor's degree programs in agricultural sciences and ecotrophology and seven master's degree programs in agricultural, environmental and nutritional sciences, provides a broad spectrum of scientific education for about two thousand students. The combination of agricultural and nutritional sciences under one roof enables a holistic analysis of food production in the production chain: from primary production with the evaluation of the environmental impact of land use systems to agribusiness and food processing to the health assessment of a food ("food chain analysis").



    April 7th, 2022, 1pm

    Registration office and student council welcome our new Masterstudents. Higher semesters are welcome.

    Digital session. Please use the following





  • Information on Funding Options are for example available here:

    Internetportal "Stipendiumplus"

    Promotionsstipendium Karl Eigen und Dr. h.c. Dietrich Brauer Stiftung



    Information on our Landesgraduiertenstipendium (Federal State Funding) are available here.

    Information on our Wüstenberg-Grant are available here.

  • Symbol-Start

    Dear students, 

    The start of the semester is approaching in big steps. Perhaps you are already holding your letter of admission in your hands and wondering what to do now? On this page we would like to give you some hints for a successful start of the semester.

    Since we believe that your study start will be more sucessful, we  try to offer as many modules as possible in presence. However, huge lectures might still take place in digital or hybrid formats.

    ATTENTION: if you are new at CAU, please take care to be familiar with tools like OLAT and UniviS. With the official acceptance letter, you also receive a stu-Id which you can use for login at OLAT. Please also register at the OLAT-3G-Tool (detailed information available at the general CAU webpage for students) to support a quick-check of your G-status.
    Please find more information about the planning status of our teaching here. You also find information there about OLAT and UniviS.
    Are you looking for exemplary timetables? Then take a look here.


    Special Information AgriGenomics:
    Most of the lectures in the first semester of the AgriGenomics study course will take place online or as hybrid form. Therefore, the presence of the students is not strictly required before 15.01.2022. After this date, the practical courses will begin and therefore the attendance of the students in presence is required. More information about the timetable and the schedule in winter semester can be found under

    In addition to the information directly around the start of the semester, we also offer information on our pages "Around your studies" - furthermore, the student council is a good contact when it comes to student concerns and questions, especially for first-year students. Just have a look at the quicklinks. The Student Council also offers an extensive program for freshmen - often even BEFORE the semester officially starts.

    Official Welcoming:

    B. Sc. Agrarwissenschaften and Ökotrophologie

    (Event in German language)

    October 17th, 2022, starting 1pm - presence 



    M. Sc. Agrarwissenschaften, Ernährungs- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften, Ernährungs- und Verbraucherökonomie

    (Event in German language)

    October 17th, 2022, starting 3pm -  presence




    M. Sc. Dairy Science tba
    M. Sc. Environmental Management and IMAE welcome week starting October 19th, 2022. Please get further information here: 
    M. Sc. AgriGenomics tba
    Student Council Mentoring Group

    OUr student council offers a mentoring program for the first semester. It is open to all 1st-semester students of all AEF-study programs There will also be an english-speaking group. You should receive an email before October 19th with further information. If you haven'r reveived it at that time, please contact the deanery:

    For further information please contact our student council via Instagram or Facebook.

    General Information for your study start are available here:  Welcome 


     Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences -University Kiel -  Central Library

  • Dates and events in our faculty

    Please use the german schedule.



    University -wide dates:

    Semester and lecture times

    Dates CAU Senate, Committees

  • Our Faculty was founded in 1946 as the Faculty of Agriculture and received a seal with the motto Nunquam Otiosus (never idle) and with the agricultural symbol of plow and ear of corn.

    Prof. Dr. Emil Lang, together with other faculties and with the special support of the Research Institute for Dairy Farming, made special efforts to expand the faculty.

    While until 1970 only graduated farmers and later graduated agricultural engineers were trained, the faculty was significantly expanded in that year and now also offered the course of studies in household economics.

    At the same time, the faculty was renamed the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Since 1998, it now bears the name "Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences" (AEF).

    In 2000, the AEF was one of the first faculties to introduce the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs, and there has been a steady expansion of the range of courses offered. In the meantime, students at the faculty can choose from a total of nine study programs. 


  • Vortragsreihe (Hybrid): Frauen und Gewalt (immer montags 12 bis 14 Uhr)

    10.06.24: Dr. Jara Streuer, Münster:
    Femizide – am Ende des Gewaltkontinuums

    01.07.24: Dr. Daniel Eder, Kiel:
    Sexualisierte Gewalt in der Pastourelle. Eine Diskussion über den literaturwissenschaftlichen Umgang mit einem problematischen Lyrikgenre

  • Honorary Doctorate for Prof. H.C. U. Koester from the University of Hohenheim. The award is presented on December 17th.

    Honorary doctorate from the Agricultural University of Iasi, Romania, for Prof. Dr. R. Horn for his work in soil science in Romania. The celebration for the award takes place on December 13th.

    Hohe Zufriedenheit bei den Absolventen im Agrarbereich

    Prof. Dr. C. Jung wurde zum Präsidenten der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung e.V. gewählt. Die Amtszeit begann am 1. 10. 2012

    Prof. Dr. J.-A. Verreet in die Kommission für Biologische Sicherheit berufen

    Dr. Hanno Slawski, Institut für Tierzucht und Tierhaltung, wurde für seine Dissertation mit dem Förderpreis des Verbandes deutscher Fischereiverwaltungsbeamter und Fischereiwissenschaftler e. V. ausgezeichnet. Der Preis ist mit 2000 € dotiert. Näheres hier

    Innoplanta Preis an Prof. Jung verliehen

    Prof. Dr. R. Horn zum Präsidenten der International Union Soil Science gewählt

    Vier Gesellschafter für Marine Aquakultur

    Comenius EduMedia Siegel verliehen

    Aufstellen zum letzten Appell

    Kiel Nr. 1 bei den Abgängerzahlen in Agrarwissenschaften

    Thünen-Medaille an Dr. Martin Frauen verliehen

    Zentrum für Molekulare Biowissenschaften übergeben

    Kieler Wissenschaftler in DFG-Fachkollegien gewählt

    Verdienstorden für Kieler Professor Blume

  • "Conservation Agriculture for Nutrition and Health"


    The CAU's Agricultural and Nutritional Science Faculty (founded in 1946) is proud to offer an equally theoretical and application-oriented scientific education culminating in the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) and Master of Science (M.Sc.) Degrees.  Combining Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences in one faculty allows for a comprehensive overview of food production within the production chain - from the initial production and the assessment of environmental impact of land utilisation to agribusiness and food processing to the evaluation of food products on health ('food chain analysis').

    The program's structure ensures a broad, application-oriented Bachelor program (B.Sc. Agriculture and B.Sc. Nutrition, 6 semesters) and a stronger science-oriented Masters program (M.Sc. Agriculture and M.Sc. Nutrition and Foodscience/M.Sc. Nutrition and Household Economics, 4 semesters) that prepares graduates for future professional demands in their chosen field.

    The Faculty responds to new challenges in the areas of biotechnology, the environment, agribusiness, nutrition and health through new course offerings:  M.Sc. Environmental Management, M.Sc. Applied Ecology and M.Sc. Ecohydrology (offered in cooperation with the Natural Sciences Faculty, 4 semesters) ,  M.Sc. AgriGenomics (4 semesters) and M.Sc. Dairy Science (4 Semester).

    New Master course MSc Dairy Science:  This specialization is one-of-a-kind among German universities and bundles the expertise of the Kiel's Agriculture and Nutritional Science Faculty and the Max-Rubner-Institute (MRI) in Kiel as well as the Dairy Research Center Kiel.

    A list of current research can be found here.



    Crop Science

    The Institutes of Crop Science investigate and teach the basics of plant production and practice-relevant problems. The course of studies takes both conventional as well as organic approaches to plant production into account. In addition to the traditional selection processes, the area of plant breeding also encompasses state-of-the-art biotechnological breeding methods. The study of plant nutrition, enables students to explore the latest questions on the subjects of fertilization, nutritional physiology of plants and their product quality and ecological aspects of plant nutrition. In addition to detailed knowledge of soil physics and chemistry, students of soil science delve into the basics of soil systems. Agricultural process technology introduces the latest developments in agricultural technology. The Institute of Phytopathology carries out research on pests, vermin and weeds as well as on conventional and environmentally friendly pest control strategies.

    Animal Science

    Animal science KNOW-HOW modernizes farm management and provides consulting firms with impulses for modern farming. The protection and optimization of food quality always plays a primary role. In addition to breeding and primary production, animal science research also focuses on the subsequent processing industry., while, at the same time, tying in the development of market-driven innovative technologies and the search for solutions to environmental problems. The conception and design of controlling instruments for agricultural enterprises and food production offers graduates further areas of operation. Communicative teamwork forms the basis of this subject area and plays a role in training. Animal science students initiate inter-disciplinary projects and accompany their implementation into practice. A degree in Animal Science can lead to careers in the areas of politics, administration, research, consulting and farm management. A broad scientific education that is practice-relevant and that teaches sound economic principles can also provide the basis for a career in management outside of the agricultural sector. The Institute of Animal Science offers flexibility and the opportunity to specialize in small groups with optimal guidance and supervision. Cattle and swine research stations guarantee practical experience. Kiel's Institutes of Animal Science are among the most active research groups in Europe. Since winter semester 2005/2006, 'milk production' has been offered as a new major in conjunction with the Max Rubner Institute in Kiel. This major provides students with the opportunity to gain qualifications in the management of milk production and milk processing.

    Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

    Applied economic problems in the areas of production, trade and marketing of agricultural raw materials and food are explored within the realms of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness. Additionally, special attention is paid to the analysis and evaluation of the political parameters and framework governing these areas. Economical, statistical and sector-specific theories, facts and methods form the basis of the course of studies, which is both theoretical as well as intensely practice-oriented. The University of Kiel is one of the few universities in Germany to deal with these sub-disciplines of agricultural science. Students should not only be able to understand economical models, but, with the assistance of empirical studies, should be able to test and experience them in daily life. Being able to formulate and solve applied economic problems is the most important educational goal and, at the same time, is the key qualification to ensure future professional success. Moreover, close supervision and small groups promote social competence and the ability to work well in a team. A degree in Agricultural Economics or Agribusiness forms an excellent basis for a career in management within the agricultural sector or nutrition industry, an administrative position (e.g. government positions within ministries or the administration of the E.U.) or for a role in political consultation. Graduates of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness have also proven themselves in other positions, e.g. in banks and consulting firms. Students of Agricultural Economics in Kiel have the freedom to structure their courses flexibly and profit immensely from working in small groups in which they are better able to explore and learn. Often, throughout their course of studies, students are also able to gain direct contact with potential future employers. Kiel's Institute of Agricultural Economics is one of the best agricultural economic institutes in Europe. Bachelor graduates of this discipline often start their professional careers as trainees in the workforce. They can, however, in preparation for a management or research position, also opt to remain and, enrol for a masters degree.

    Environmental Sciences

    Our cultural landscape is influenced by agriculture. How can we continue to maintain and utilize nature in an ecologically and economically sensible way – and, at the same time, sustain natural habitats? The field of Environmental Sciences or Agricultural Landscapes seeks to harmonize these aims with sustainable resource protection for mankind, animals and plants. In striving towards this goal, combined interdisciplinary knowledge is just as important as promoting cooperation among different interest groups within the agricultural sector: ministries, chambers of agriculture, regional conservation authorities, as well as research facilities. The fact that borders are crossed and that E.U. administrative bodies play significant roles in this process goes without saying. Foreign aid and landscape development are also areas which might attract graduates of this field. Natural sciences are unavoidable in this course of study: Soil Science provides in-depth knowledge of soil physics, soil chemistry, land use and soil ecology. Landscape ecology includes the basics of agricultural ecology, vegetation ecology and animal ecology. With the aid of specific case examples within the framework of student projects and accompanying laboratory courses, students gain practical experience, thus exposing them to interdisciplinary, environmentally relevant problems. Water Management illuminates the areas of water and element balance, water balance modelling and the use of geographic information systems for the management of river basins. Farmland Cultivation and Grassland Management focus on location-appropriate agricultural land use and plant production in ecological farming. Methods of planning and economical concepts pertaining to sustainable environmental management complete the picture. The goal of the new masters program in Environmental Management at Kiel's Ecology Center is the education of students who are able to contribute in or lead interdisciplinary work groups geared at solving problems pertaining to the management of natural resources. Upon the completion of their studies, the students possess key competences that qualify them to successfully deal with project-based complex interdisciplinary problems on the regional, national or international level within the private or public sector.

    Nutritional Science

    Logically, food and health are closely linked. Nutritional scientists examine nutritional diseases and illnesses bordering on and accompanying the field of medicine. Nutritionists work within the service sector and offer advice and assistance applicable to daily living, often consulting on the areas of consumption and energy. The development of new products within the food industry naturally lies within the hands of nutritionists because they are able to bring together research results and industrial food production requirements while assuring product quality. Nutritionists also address the problems and challenges of food quality within various associations and lobby groups. The Nutritional Science course of study addresses the areas of eating behaviour, nutritional state, dietary requirements, individual energy consumption as well as the role of diet in illness prevention. Nutritional experts are key in maintaining product quality, food hygiene and compliance with food law. Within the field of food technology, students deal with the concepts of new product development and processes related to gene technology and biotechnology. They take advantage as well of course offerings in the areas of Home Economics and Food Economics. The students profit immensely from close supervision and mentoring in all areas of study. The diverse fields of activity for nutritionists within the areas of research, industry, associations and lobby groups are not limited solely to the German labour market. Positions within international organizations are possible as well.

    Food and Consumer Economics

    Food is the focus of Nutrition and Consumer Economics; however, in contrast to nutritional science, this discipline pays more attention to the industry and consumers. Entrepreneurship is sought after, in particular in the areas of product development, design and quality assurance. The know-how of nutrition economists is highly useful both in self-employment as well as in consulting. A further career chance can be found in consumer counselling: the conveyance of health knowledge and the concept of quality awareness have both anchored themselves within many organizations including health insurance companies and consumer protection organizations. Nutrition economists also utilize their skills in PR and marketing agencies as well as within the realm of professional journalism. Consulting and organizational talents are sought internationally, for example in the struggle against poverty. Study focuses such as Nutrition Economics, Marketing and Market Analysis teach students how markets function and present their characteristics. Current sociopolitical issues are introduced in modules on Consumer Economics, Sociopolitics as well as Consumer and Family Politics. In food-related modules, students become acquainted with manufacturing processes and food ingredients; lectures on Nutrition and Health Economics inform the students on the economical evaluation of health as well as on the origins of nutritionally-rooted illnesses and their prevention.

  • Important information regarding the German postgradual degrees Doctor (PhD) and Habilitation can be found here.

  • Institute of Agricultural Economics

    Institute of Agricultural Engineering

    Institute of Animal Breeding and Husbandry

    Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology

    Institute of Crop Science and Plant Breeding

    Institute of Food Economics and Consumption Studies

    Institute of Human Nutrition and Food Science

    Institute of Natural Resource Conservation 

    Institute of Phytopathology

    Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science





  • Please find on the left hand side information on the AEF's facilities, collaborating partners, and experimental farms, as well as references to CAU centers with faculty involvement.


  • Competence Centre milk Schleswig-Holstein


    Variation statistics

    Nutrition Health Information Center


  • As a PhD candidate, you are a member Kiel University if you are either an employee of the university, i.e. you have a corresponding employment contract, or if you are enrolled as a doctoral student. Please note that registering for a doctoral degree or registering at the Graduate Center does not constitute membership.

    Should you use rooms and/or laboratories of the faculty for your doctoral project, we recommend you to arrange a licensing contract with the respective institution.

    Already in the admission procedure as a doctoral student of the faculty you have to register obligatorily in the CAU's doctorate statistics. The university is required by law to collect the data. The data is used for statistical purposes.

    It is possible to enroll as a doctoral student at the CAU.

    As a German doctoral candidate with a German academic degree you make the enrollment at the Student Service. Please note the deadlines. 

    As a doctoral candidate from abroad with an academic degree from abroad you make the enrollment at the International Center of the university.

    Additionally it possible to register at the Graduate Center in order to take advantage of the Center's services. 
