Experimental Farm Karkendamm
Management: | Prof. Dr. Georg Thaller |
Operations Manager | Jens Matthiesen |
postal address: | Olshausenstr. 40 24098 Kiel |
visitors address: | Am Hallohberg 9, 24567 Bimöhlen |
Phone.: | +49 (0) 4192/5954 |
Email: | karkendamm@tierzucht.uni-kiel.de |
Operating area:
249,4 ha
Land use of the farm land:
Corn, grass, winter wheat, winter barley, winter rye, soybeans, canola, forage crops - Experimental land.
Animal husbandry:
204 dairy cows, German Holstein.
219 calves and young female animals.
Experimental activities:
Research around the dairy cow:
- Breeding for feed intake.
- Cultivation of indigenous protein and energy sources
- Measuring methane excretion
- Bioactive plant ingredients