
Habilitation thesis
In order to promote young scientists, the faculty provides the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to conduct independent research and teaching by means of a habilitation thesis and a scientific colloquium. Prerequisite for the habilitation is the doctoral degree in agricultural sciences, ecotrophology or an equivalent qualification. The habilitation thesis should provide new scientific knowledge based on the applicant's own research.

Habilitation Committee
For the evaluation of the habilitation thesis, the Habilitation Committee, elected by the Faculty Convention and chaired by the Dean, appoints at least four professors as reviewers. On the basis of the available expert opinions, the habilitation committee recommends to the Faculty Convention the acceptance or rejection of the habilitation thesis.

The colloquium follows the acceptance of the thesis. It consists of a scientific lecture followed by a discussion covering the entire subject for which habilitation is sought. With the test lecture, the applicant should prove that he/she is able to present and represent a scientific issue of his/her subject in a concise form. The lecture should not be from the field of the habilitation thesis. If the oral habilitation performance is accepted by the habilitation committee, the habilitation procedure is successfully completed.

Teaching qualification
In the habilitation certificate, the applicant is certified as qualified to teach in the subject in which the habilitation took place, and is granted the right to add the suffix 'habilitatus' ('habil.') to the doctoral degree he/she holds. Upon application, the Senate of the University grants the authorization to teach (Venia legendi) with the right to use the academic title 'Privatdozent' or 'Privatdozentin' (Priv.- Doz.).

Note on the submission of printed copies: All printed copies of the habilitation thesis intended for the reviewers and for publication must be handed in at the Dean's Office. With regard to the print quality, the same conditions apply as for dissertations. For archiving reasons, the thesis must be printed on acid-free and ageing-resistant paper and bound without the use of metal or plastic parts. A perfect-bound brochure and double-sided printing are desirable. The choice of format (DIN A4 or DIN A5) is free, as is the choice for black and white or colour printing. Please inform yourself  here. After successful completion of the habilitation procedure, the print copies of the habilitation thesis intended for publication will be forwarded by the Dean's Office to the UB.  


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