Your PhD Degree at our Faculty
You have decicded to apply for being accepted as PhD candidate at our faculty. Welcome!
To give you an overview about the procedure, please read the following pages carefully. You find all necessary information about the process of application, examination and additional administration information.
At our faculty it is expected from our prospective PhD candidates to find a supervisor on your own. Please find a list of our institutes and its professors here.
Please keep in mind that the PhD process underlies many legal regulations and the deanery will check all necessary compliances. For this reason it is absolutely necessary to read at least once the actual doctoral regulations, which you can find on the rigth hand side by clicking on "Ordnungen und Satzungen" (Quicklinks). An english version is available.
If you have questions regarding these rules, please do not hesitate to contact
Ms. Katja Blohm via phone (2591) or Email.