Coronavirus: Recent information
Dear Students and Members of the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Science,
here you will find information on changes due to Corona pandemic.
During the winter term, the 3G status of the students will be checked on the entire university campus. Participation in classes and during examinations is only allowed with a corresponding digital vaccination certificate or an official test certificate (not older than 24 hours).
Please carry your digital vaccination certificate or the official test certificate together with your personal ID all the time with you.
In case you get infected by the corona virus during holidays, please follow the guidelines of our faculty.
International Students:
International Scientists:;
Carephone/psychological service:
Currently, student counselling is not possible. For individual rules regarding examination registration and registering for your BA or MA thesis please take a look here.
Currently we are only allowed to accept registration for the PhD examination procedure after previous appointment.
Please refer to the corresponding webpages.
At least until the end of wwinter term 21/22 all disputations will be held digitally. It is obilgatory to use BigBlueButton. You will receive a link to your disputation from your committe chair.
The Dean's office welcomes you after previous registration. Please call or write an email to arrange an appointment and be aware that we'll check your vaccination/test status befor entering the deanery.
The departmental libraries may reopen under certain circumstances. Please contact the institutes directly to find out whether this is possible while observing the protective measures.
All members and affiliates of the CAU have access to all electronic journals, databases and e-books licensed by the University via VPN access for access from home. During the Corona crisis, some providers and publishers offer parts of their e-media services for temporary access.
Electronic media:
Section librabry for economic sciences, Heinrich-Hecht-Platz 9 (HHP9)
- Mr. Heine is in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays and processes e.g. mails (such as procurements) and can be reached by phone, e.g. to organize the individual access of colleagues to pick up books.
- The building is generally also closed for employees - special requests are possible, please contact Mr. Heine directly.
- A basic service of the UB is maintained. In addition several mails were sent in the last days. For more information see UB homepage with FAQ Here you can also find information about publishers who release e-resources for a limited period of time.
Further Links
Current information from the CAU on Corona: